1 Haziran 2015 Pazartesi

The Locations of Earth’s 7 Chakra Points

Dünyamızın Güç üreten odak noktaları
1-Kırmızı-Kök çakra;Mt. Shasta, California.Ham enerji üretim merkezi.
2.Truncu-Sakral Çakra;Titicaca Gölü Peru.Saf yaşam için yeni türlerin oluşması.
3,Al rengi-(Altın sarısı) Solar plexus Çakrası;Uluru ve kata Tjuta Avusturalya.
saf canlılık,ölümsüzleşme.
4.Yeşil-pembe,Kalp Çakra;Glastonbury ve Shaftesbury, İngiltere.
5-Mavi-Boğazlar Çakra;Büyük Piramit, Mt. Sina ve Mt. Zeytinler, Ortadoğu.
6.Mor-Üçüncü göz,taşınır Çakra;Batı Avrupadan kaymaktadır.
7.Beyaz-Taç çakra;Mt. Kailas, Himalaya Dağları, Tibet.
Anadolu Beyaz ve mor 6-7 çakralar arasında.

Nearly all of the information readily available online that I was able to find regarding the earth’s chakra points seemed to be directly sourced from this one author- Robert Coon who owns a website called earthchakras.org.  This site is fascinating and offers very in depth information about the chakras of the earth, the earth’s elemental vortices, ley lines and much more.  Whether you take this information as theory or fact, it is fascinating food for though.  In the system provided by Coon, the earth’s chakra points would be located throughout the earth as follows:
Root (1st) Chakra- Mt. Shasta, California.  Red; Raw biological life force energy- precursor to deviation into individual life forms.
Sacral (2nd) Chakra- Lake Titicaca Peru (but also includes Machu Picchu).  Orange; Creation of new species and positive evolution. Specification of pure life force into individuals.
Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra- Uluru and Kata Tjuta Australia (twin monolithic sites). Golden/Yellow; Maintenance of the vitality of earth and all of its species.  Immortalization of life force.
Heart (4th) Chakra- Glastonbury and Shaftesbury, England.  Green/Pink; Representing the Holy Grail and the Sacred Spear of Purpose, Respectively.
Throat (5th) Chakra- Great Pyramid, Mt. Sinai, and Mt. of Olives, Middle East. Blue; Voice of the earth emerging, listening to the will of the earth needs to be mastered
Third Eye (6th) Chakra- Mobile Chakra, Shifts every 150-200 years, currently coincides with world heart chakra in Western Europe. Purple/Indigo; Moves 1/12th of the way around the world, westward, at the dawning of every new aeon.  Distills gathered wisdom of life on earth for collective advancement of consciousness, aligned with astrological sequences.
Crown (7th) Chakra- Mt. Kailas, Himalayan Mountains, Tibet.  White; Broadcasts the earth’s purpose or true will.

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