In this article the Maya cross symbols and their association with the Great Celestial Conjunction that is occurring at the end of the Maya Long Count calendar is being discussed. This rare cosmic event is associated with Galactic Alignment which is a particular case of a Great Celestial Conjunction.
As we will demonstrate in this article Maya
cross symbols appear in abundance in temples, stelae, stone tablets and
other artefacts that are associated with the Maya creation myths and the Maya Sacred Tree.
Most importantly Maya cross symbols appear
in Izapa in the stelae that encode the winter solstice sun’s
conjunction with the Galactic Equator around era-2012. New information
reveals important facts that have been overlooked by John Major Jenkins
whose research has connected this site to the Maya’s understanding of a
Galactic Alignment that would occur at the end of the Maya Long Count
There is an abundance of four pointed crosses, (X) or a combination of two of these crosses (XX) as well as the 8 pointed cross in the ancient Maya artefacts. It’s important to understand that the 8 pointed crosses in these artefacts are actually two separate four pointed crosses
with different appearances that are superimposed. The same idea of
separate crosses is expressed when two four pointed cross are depicted next to each other (XX) in stead of being superimposed.
In San Juan Chamula
(Chiapas) the memory of the ancient Maya ancestors who devoted
significant importance to the cross symbols still lives on with the
modern day Maya. In San Juan Chamula we find a Maya
version of the ‘Christian’ cross that contains the 8 pointed crosses on
it. Notice that the 8 pointed crosses on the green cross consist of two different crosses that are superimposed. This is a very important fact and is a recurring theme in most of the ancient Maya 8 pointed crosses.
The merging of Christian symbolism with local indigenous pagan symbolism is called syncretism.
Under the veil of Christianity, the ancient old religious traditions
were preserved throughout the suppression of the Spanish Inquisition.
Allegedly these green Maya crosses can be found in every household in San Juan Chamula and are placed in the front garden. Locals say the cross represents the Maya Sacred Tree.
Maya ‘Christian’ cross in San Juan Chamula (Chiapas) with 8 pointed crosses.
The tree on the cross represents the ceiba tree a symbol of the Maya Sacred Tree
The church of San Juan Chamula is a Christian church dedicated to John the Baptist
but that’s where all comparisons with Christianity end. This church
preserves the religion and belief system of the ancient Maya! It is
adorned in abundance with both four and eight pointed crosses appearing in an alternating sequence.
The Church of San Juan Chamula is adorned in abundance
with 4 and 8 pointed crosses that appear in an alternating sequence
Also notice the green cross in the churchyard.
A woman living in a nearby community is wearing the 8 pointed cross on her back. Notice that this 8 pointed cross is composed of two four pointed crosses (one with straight lines, one with dotted lines).
Maya woman weaver with an 8 pointed cross
These crosses must have been and still are
very important to the Maya with respect to their religion, since they
play a predominant role in San Juan Chamula. The crosses in this
village demonstrate that the association of both the 4 and the 8 pointed crosses with the Maya Sacred Tree has survived the Spanish Inquisition and this secret is still kept alive today by the Maya!
The thesis of this article is that the
ancient Maya understood that the zodiac cross (cross formed by the
solstice and equinox axis) revolves against the backdrop of a fixated
cross during a precession cycle. The first cross, the zodiac cross is the Earth Cross while the second cross is the Galactic Cross.
The Galactic Cross is the intersection of the Galactic Equator with
the ecliptic and the axis perpendicular to this intersection. When the
Earth Cross and the Galactic Cross are superimposed they form an 8 pointed cross. The two separate crosses become conjunct and form a single 4 pointed cross during the moments of a Great Celestial Conjunction. After the Great Celestial Conjunction the individual crosses separate again to form an 8 pointed cross again.
This is
presumably why the 4 and 8 pointed on the church of Chamula are depicted
in an alternating sequence! Also we suggest that the reason why the green cross
in Chamula has an 8 pointed cross that consists of two separate
crosses is because they represent the separate crosses of the Earth
Cross and the Galactic Cross!
Galactic Alignment, the
Sun’s conjunction with the Galactic Equator at solstices or equinoxes
during a precession cycle is a special case of a Great Celestial
Conjunction. The subject is being discussed in detail in our paper
‘Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic Cross’.
Our research has shown that at the heart of
the Maya belief system rests the importance of the Great Celestial
Conjunctions that are embedded into their belief system by means of the
Maya Creation Myths.
A missing link in understanding these Creation Myths in the context of the Great Celestial Conjunctions they encode; is the 8 pointed cross (Earth Cross and Galactic Cross) that rotates and becomes a single 4 pointed cross four times during a precession cycle! We therefore offer the suggestion that the Galactic Cross defines the World Ages of the Maya and the Suns of Aztecs.
Galactic Cross
Linda Schele’s studies have revealed that the Maya Sacred Tree stands for the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way. The Paris Codex contains what appears to be a zodiac with 13 constellations
appearing along the ecliptic. Many researchers have studied the Maya
zodiac occurring in the Paris Codex and although some remain sceptic,
Linda Schele has done a reconstruction of the Maya zodiac and matched
the asterisms occurring in the Maya zodiac with the Western zodiac
constellations. In the Paris Codex the constellations are represented
by animals hanging from a sky band. The sky band represents the ecliptic.
Förstermann, who’s done groundbreaking work
on decoding the Maya codices, proposed in 1886 that the signs in the
sky band in the codices represent astronomical bodies. He remarked that
‘Venus’ glyphs were used in the sky band. Half a century later David
Keley rejected this thesis and concluded that the asterisms associated
with Venus did not represent Venus at all. He identified asterisms
below the ‘Venus glyph’ as a turtle, scorpion, fish etc. Förstermann’s
Venus glyphs in reality proved to be quincunxes!
In Linda Schele’s reconstruction of the Maya Zodiac (Paris Codex) four zodiac signs are associated with the Maya Sacred Tree (the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way in the beginning of Gemini and Sagittarius). These are the signs for Gemini-Taurus nexus (of the Sidereal Zodiac) and Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus (of the Sidereal Zodiac) and they all have the four pointed cross signs in the sky-band! It’s important to notice that the other zodiac signs do not contain crosses in the sky-band!
Crosses above the Maya Zodiac signs that correspond with the
Maya Sacred Tree (crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way)
There are two sorts of crosses used (+ and x),
corresponding with the place of the crossing of the ecliptic and the
Milky Way, see picture above. When the symbol of the cross presented at
Gemini-Taurus is superimposed over the symbol at Sagittarius-Scorpio, an 8 pointed cross is formed!
The Maya Sacred Tree as the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way happens to be the first axis of the Galactic Cross! The second axis is perpendicular to the first. Together they form a fixated cross in the sky, the Galactic Cross.
The signs of the Maya Zodiac that correspond with the Maya Sacred Tree are exactly those that Schele has identified with Gemini-Taurus nexus and Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus and they all had the four pointed cross in the sky band. The reason why the crosses occur above these crucial Zodiac signs is that the Maya understood that there was a ‘fixated cross’ in the sky, the Galactic Cross!
In the Fejérváry-Mayer Codex the Galactic Cross is depicted predominantly! It’s the four pointed cross with the four Sacred Trees!
The fact that we’re dealing with an 8 pointed cross in the Fejérváry-Mayer Codex is
expressed explicitly by the occurrence of the 8 pointed cross at the
foot of the Sacred Tree at in the upper quadrant. The 8 pointed cross
is denoted by the blue circle.
8 pointed cross of the Fejérváry-Mayer Codex, the 4 pointed cross with the Maya Sacred Tree depicted in them (Black T cross trees) is the Galactic Cross ( green cross). Bottom: The 8 pointed cross is depicted again at the foot of the Maya Sacred Tree in the blue circle above.
Notice that the Sun God in the centre is
connected to the Earth Cross through the four rays that he emits! The 8
pointed cross also occurs in the Madrid Codex:
Madrid Codex, here the Maya Sacred Tree is depicted in the centre.
The green cross is the Galactic Cross; the red cross is the Earth Cross.
In the Dresden Codex we find Az Tzul Ahaw, who’s believed to represent a Venus
deity since the Venus glyph appears where his face is. Notice the cross
symbols in the sky band. When the crosses in the sky band are
superimposed an 8 pointed cross is formed. We suggest that the face of
the deity is not a Venus glyph at all, but expresses exactly how the
centre four pointed cross can rotate to align with the dots in the corners.
In the Madrid Codex we
find a deity that is holding a lever connected to an axis fixed to the
sky band. The lever allows the deity to turn the crosses. In the Madrid
Codes we also find the three stones and turtle (Ak) hanging from the sky-band. The turtle with the three stones on his back represents Orion/Gemini and is associated with the Gemini-Taurus nexus in the Maya Creation myths.
When the two different crosses in all of the above pictures
are superimposed an 8 pointed cross is created.
In the Dresden Codex, the +, x and 8 pointed cross appear in sequence. The crosses are associated with the Maya Sacred Tree.
At the foot of the Sacred Tree we see a black God (unidentified) who’s
fiddling with the tree (maybe he’s turning the crosses?). The Sacred
Tree merges into a ‘sky-band’ with the three cross glyphs (+, x and 8
pointed cross). A female deity (Ix Balam Chac) is hanging again from
what seems to be again the Sacred Tree.
In the example below we believe that the + cross was
misinterpreted as Venus. It may be a legacy of Förstermann’s
identifications of this glyph with Venus. The eclipse symbols represent
the conjunction of the two four pointed crosses.
Dresden codex page 74, notice the + and X cross in the sky band as well as the 8 pointed cross. Notice that the female deity has a four pointed cross on her skirt
The zodiac cross rotates during the
precession of the equinoxes against the backdrop of the Galactic Cross
with one revolution in 26.000 years (length of a Great Year or Platonic
Year). The Galactic Cross rotates with one revolution in 220 million
years (time of the revolution of the Solar System around the Galactic
Centre). That’s why the Galactic Cross is regarded as a fixated cross
during a precession cycle, its rotation can be neglected.
The two crosses (Zodiac Cross and Galactic Cross) form an eight pointed cross and four times during a precession cycle they overlap. The moments of conjunction are called a Great Celestial Conjunction
(for details see our paper ‘Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic
Cross’ - Smeykavov, Wicherink 2006). It’s the cosmic event that is
associated with John Major Jenkins Galactic Alignment. The next one is occurring right now during era-2012 on the winter and summer solstices.
The eight pointed cross becoming a four pointed cross during a
Great Celestial Conjunction. The blue cross represents the Earth Cross
while the red cross represents the Galactic Cross. Qs(blue circle) represents plane of the Solar System and the ecliptic, Es( green circle) represents the plane of the Galaxy.
The points Z and Z’ in the picture above are
the intersections of the ecliptic with the Galactic Plane and these
crossings have been associated by Schele with the Maya Sacred Tree, they are the Gemini-Taurus (Z’) nexus and Sagittarius-Scorpio (Z) nexus. As we will demonstrate later in the Maya artefacts these points are often depicted as two separate crosses XX. We add to Schele’s observations that the Maya Sacred Tree is also identical to the red cross
in the picture above, the intersection of the Galactic Plane with the
Solar System’s plane and it’s perpendicular axis to this intersection.
This cross is the cross that occurs in the Fejérváry-Mayer Codex with
the Sacred Tree symbols on it (Black T cross trees).
The Galactic Cross and the Maya Sacred Tree therefore are interchangeable concepts!
We have found abundant X, XX and 8
pointed crosses in the Maya artefacts and in all cases they are
associated with the Maya Sacred Tree! These
examples express the idea of a rotating zodiac cross against the
backdrop of a Galactic Cross. The occurrence of these crosses in the
Maya artefacts and their association with the Maya Sacred Tree in their
astronomical context can be explained by the Earth Cross and the
Galactic Cross as proposed in this article.
Earth Cross
One could argue that the Maya couldn’t
possibly have understood that the Zodiac’s equinox and solstice axis
form a cross and that this cross rotates along the ecliptic during a
precession cycle. We have named this cross in our paper ‘Crucifying the
Earth on the Galactic Cross’ the Earth Cross.
The crosses under the armpits of the Maize God depicted at the Lower Temple of the Jaguars at Chichen Itza represent the crossing places of the ecliptic and the Milky Way (as
we will demonstrate later). But there is one very remarkable detail
about this picture. Left and right of the face in the centre we see two
crosses, one vertical aligned, and one slanted. They suggest the rotational movement of the four pointed cross (the Zodiac Cross). See picture below.
Notice the rotated crosses left and right of the eyes!
Here’s another interesting piece of
evidence. This Mesoamerican zodiac appeared in Share International in
May 1997. The article was about the return of Quatzalcoalt/Kukulkan.
Mesoamerican depiction of the solar system
Share International, May 1997 (V.16) No. 4.
The subscript to this picture reads: ‘This
is drawn from a seal. The '0' is the universal symbol of
consciousness. The central cross is similar to what is known in the
Americas as the Cross of Quetzalcoatl’
However it’s a remarkable
example of Mesoamerican understanding of the structure of the Solar
System; the 4 inner circles (inside the band of dots) represent the
visible inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) while the 5 outer circles
represent Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. The band with the
dots represents the Asteroid belt. It is a perfect representation of
the Solar System! Also the left and right side of the picture is
separated by a vertical band of 9 circles, representing the 9 planets
of our Solar System.
The first question that comes to mind is why is the Solar
System depicted twice? The reason we think is because it is meant to
depict motion, or better a rotation of a cross, the Cross of Quetzalcoatl!
Just like a motion picture requires a sequence of stills to create the
illusion of movement, the picture above uses two of those stills to
express the motion of the Earth Cross!
If we look at the upper right
cross in both pictures, we see a cross that is depicted identical. This
cross hasn’t moved and represents the Galactic Cross. But to cross in the bottom left corner, has shifted. Superimpose them and we have an eight pointed cross! This cross therefore represents the Earth Cross.
Earliest 8 pointed crosses in Mesoamerica
The oldest of the 8 pointed crosses found in Mesoamerica are most likely the ones found in Teotihuacan. These crosses were ‘pecked crosses’.
8 pointed pecked cross at Teotihuacan
Many of these pecked cross symbols and related symbols were discovered in profusion on a floor adjacent to the Pyramid of the Sun.
At least 29 of such 8 and 4 pointed pecked
crosses have been found in Mesoamerica. A lot of them had 260
depressions and suggest they may be related to some kind of a calendar
(such as the Tzolkin). In some cases these crosses were astronomically
Pacal the Great ruler of Palenque was buried in a tomb in the Temple of Inscriptions. His carved tomb lid depicts Pacal descending into Xibalba (underworld) along the U be Xibalba (dark road to the underworld). Linda Schele has associated this famous Maya artefact with the Maya Sacred Tree. The Maya Sacred Tree is the crossing of the Milky Way with the ecliptic.
Schele’s work meant a major break through in
the understanding and decoding of this iconograph and allowed John
Major Jenkins to corroborate his theory on Galactic Alignment. He
noticed that Lord Pacal (as the Sun) as he enters into the underworld,
is nothing less than the metaphor for the Sun’s alignment with the
Milky Way’s Dark Rift (Noh-ol, the Great Hole) near the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way at the Scorpio–Sagittarius nexus.
The edges of the sarcophagus lid contain
many Maya glyphs allegedly representing the Sun, Moon and Venus as well
as various constellations. But there are also glyphs that represent 4 pointed and 8 pointed crosses. These glyphs do not represent a particular star but represent quadripartite shapes, geometrical forms
Crosses on the lid of Pacal’s sarcophagus.
Note that in this case the 8 pointed crosses are
4 point crosses superimposed over a quincunx
Notice in particularly that on the axis that has been identified by Linda Schele as the Milky Way we find two four pointed crosses below Pacal. These four pointed crosses are directly associated with the Sacred Tree or the crossing of Milky Way and the ecliptic.
Of course one could argue that these crosses represent the crossings of the Sacred Tree itself, however on the West Side of the Sarcophagus in the tomb below the Temple of the Inscriptions we find glyphs that seem to suggest otherwise.
In the picture below in the centre we see a quincunx and a four pointed cross.
On the left the four pointed cross seems to have taken the place of
the middle dot of the quincunx. These glyphs again support the idea of
two separate and two very different superimposed crosses (quincunx and four pointed cross).
Cartouche for Pacal
Temple of the Inscriptions, sarcophagus, West Side, Figure 1
Drawing by Merle Greene Robertson (1983)
Cartouche for Pacal contains the syllables Pa-Ca-l also meaning “hand shield”
In the Temple of the Foliated Cross at Palenque, the Sacred Tree is also displayed:
Quincunx superimposed over a four pointed cross at the base of the Sacred Tree
Temple of the Foliated Cross Palenque
The exact same ‘quincunx-four pointed cross’ (just another form of an 8 pointed cross) that occurs on the Tablet of the Foliated Cross also
appears on the lid of Pacal’s sarcophagus. In the red circle the
‘quincunx-four pointed cross’ is right on the Maya Sacred Tree. The
glyph on the left is the Venus glyph but it too represents a
‘quincunx-four pointed cross’.
In Palenque the ‘Tablet of the Cross’ shows the ‘Wakah-Chan’ (raised Milky Way). Exactly in the centre there are two single X crosses depicted. Again these two crosses are associated with the Milky Way and the crossing of the ecliptic.
Tablet of the Cross, Palenque, two single four pointed crosses in the centre. The crosses themselves seem to be twisted cords.
The Tablet of the Cross contains the text ‘On 13 Ik’ end of Mol, it was made proper, the Six (Raised Sky), the Eight-House-Partitions, its holy name, the house of the north’. (Oxlahun Ik’ ch’a Mol, hoy Wakah-Chanal, Waxak-Na-Tzuk, u ch’ul k’aba, Yotot xaman).
Linda Schele and Khristaan D. Villela translate this text as the formation of a house named ‘Wakah-Chan’ (Milky Way) that had eight partitions. The eight partitions according to Shele and Villela stand for the four cardinal directions and the corners in between them.
We offer an
alternative explanation; the Wakah Chan was divided into 8 partitions
by the 8 pointed cross that is formed when the two 4 pointed crosses
depicted in the centre of the Wakah-Chan are superimposed to become an 8
pointed cross!
Lord Pacal who’s cartouche had
two crosses in it, passed these crosses on to his son K’inich Kan
B’alam II who succeeded him to the throne after his dead. In the stone
tablet below we see him wearing the XX crosses on his boots. These crosses must have been very important to the rulers of Palenque!

K’inich Kan B’alam II, son and successor of Pacal. He was ruler of Palenque and is wearing the double cross on his boots.
In the Maya city Quirigua we find a splendid example of the double cross (XX):
Stela C (Chaah Bitun Ka’an or Cauak Sky, 775 AD)
Chaah Bitun who’s depicted in Stela C is holding a double headed serpent bar in his hands. On the serpents bar the double cross signs XX are carved. Notice that the double crosses also occur on the chest of this figure; one on the left and one on the right. On his navel a single X cross is carved which stands for a Great Celestial Conjunction!
The double headed serpent on the Sacred Tree at the Temple of the Inscriptions was identified by Linda Schele as the ecliptic.
According to Schele all double headed serpents represent the ecliptic
from the Late Preclassic period onwards. But if the double headed
serpent bar of Stela C represents the ecliptic we can safely assume
that Stela C also represents the Sacred Tree.
Stela C expresses the importance of the double XX cross and the single X cross. The XX cross appears right at the centre where the ecliptic crosses the Milky Way! The single cross X appears at the navel, the birthplace of the Sun Lord.
Stela C in Quirigua is not the
only stela that contains the double X cross, most stelae such as stela
A, D and H contain exactly the same double XX crosses and are very similar to Stela C. They all contain the double X crosses at the chest, near the hearth and what looks like a worn face in between these crosses. The face most likely represents the Sun God that is reborn at the end of the fourth Sun.
On the side of Stela C the Maya creation myth and the Long Count calendar start date is carved: 4 Ahaw 8 Kumk'u (August 11th, 3114 BC). The
start date is carved as in stead of since it also
represents the ending of the previous 13 baktun cycle.
Creation Myth on the side (see left picture) of Stela C at Quirigua
Outstretched arms
The practice of many ancient Maya religious
ceremonies still continue today and have survived the Spanish
Inquisition and the Christian missionary efforts to convert the Maya
and destroy their ancient ceremonies.
In the introduction we mentioned the green cross with the 8 pointed crosses representing the Maya sacred tree that is still in use today. Another custom that has survived are the three stone hearths of creation
that are kept by the Maya in the centre of their houses. The three
stone hearths of creation are associated with the Creation Myths.
Another ritual that has survived Christian indoctrination is the dance ritual of San Martin, conducted on November 11, the day dedicated to the Catholic Saint Martin of Tours.
The ritual dance parallels the creation myth
of the Popul Vuh and includes the descend of the Maize god into the
underworld. The San Marin Priest as the Maize God is carried to the
alter of the confraternity to be sacrificed. He rises from the death
with his arms outstretched the same posture that we see in many of the ancient Maya stela such as Izapa Stela 2, Stela 11, Stela 67 and Copan Stela C that depict the reborn Sun Lord.
Members of the confraternity explain that this gesture of the outstretched arms represents the Maya sacred Tree which the Maya worship as the centre of the cosmos and a symbolic token of renewed life.
In ‘Galactic Alignment, the Transformation of Consciousness according to Mayan, Egyptian and Vedic Traditions’,
John Major Jenkins explains the gesture of the outstretched arms
appearing at the stelae in Izapa as representing a ‘period ending
“measure of time”’ (page 18 and page 213). Well apparently this is not
the case; the Solar Lords in the stelae mentioned above represent the Maya Sacred Tree!
Notice that these stelae with the Sun god or Maize God with his outstretched arms also have four pointed crosses appear left and right of the deity:
X crosses in the armpits
Stela 2 Izapa

X cross left (broken tablet) and right of the Maize God
Izapa 67 Izapa

Maize God with outstretched arms with two four pointed crosses under his arm pits.
LowerTemple of the Jaguars.
Chichen Itza |
If the gesture of the
outstretched arms of the Solar Lord represents the Maya Sacred Tree,
then these XX crosses must be very important in relation to the Maya
Sacred Tree!
Izapa is the Maya site that plays a very
important role in John Major Jenkins his work on Galactic Alignment.
Galactic Alignment coincides with the end of the Maya Long Count
calendar on the 21st December 2012.
Stela 67
In Izapa in Group F, the ball court we find
stela 67 with the Solar Lord, One Hunapu in his barge. This stela
encodes information on Galactic Alignment (Sun on the Milky Way) in
multiple ways:
- By means of the river on which the Sun Lords barge floats is the great river in the sky which represents the Milky Way.
- Since the Solar Lord holds his hands outstretched he represents the Sacred Tree. The Sun Lord and the Sacred Tree are one (Sun on the Milky Way-ecliptic crossing).
- The two single X crosses
that appear on the far ends along the axis of the ecliptic (left
one broken off), are the two places where the Milky Way-ecliptic
crossings occur. These crossings are about 180 degrees apart on
the ecliptic (near the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus and the Taurus-Gemini nexus).
- The Solar Lord as the Sacred Tree holds two crosses
in his hands. The cross in his right hand is held erect. The
cross in his left hand is held slanted. When both crosses in these
positions are superimposed an 8 pointed cross is formed. These crosses symbolize the fact that during a Great Celestial Conjunction the two crosses of the 8 pointed cross overlap such that they become one and form a four pointed cross. This is achieved by rotation of the Earth Cross (zodiac cross) against the backdrop of the Galactic Cross.
Stela 11
In Stela 11 at Izapa, the Solar Lord One Hunapu is depicted again with his arms outstretched symbolizing the Maya Sacred Tree.
The bars with the curly ends behind the Solar Lord do not represent
the ecliptic as John Major Jenkins has suggested since the ecliptic is
already represented by the outstretched arms of the Solar Lord. In
addition these bars do not represent serpents either that could have
associated them with the ecliptic. They are bars with curled ends, not
serpents! They appear in twofold on both sides of the Solar Lord. The
curling up of the bars suggests motion, rotation. The bars on the left
suggest a clockwise rotation while the bars on the right suggest a
counter-clockwise rotation. It doesn’t necessarily have to mean that
both crosses move in opposite direction. Since motion is relative one
could be moving while the other is at rest. However the best way to
expresses how the two crosses merge is to suggest that they both move.
If only one of the bars were given the curls, the hint may not have
been understood. We therefore suggest that the bars could represent the
motion of the four pointed crosses that become one during a Great Celestial Conjunction!
A single 4 pointed cross is depicted at the base of the Maya Sacred Tree representing the Great Celestial Conjunction.
Stela 22
Stela 22 Izapa expresses the clockwise rotation of the solstice axis and the
‘Erection of the Holy Cross’. In 1998 the equinox axis became
perpendicular to the galactic axis while the solstice axis became
parallel with the galactic axis
(Nick Anthony Fiorenza)
Stela 22 portrays the same idea as Stela 67, the rotation of the Earth Cross. Notice the double cross bones left and right in bottom of the picture. The ‘cross bones’ are four pointed crosses.
The one on the left is leaning towards the left, while the one on the
right is leaning towards the right suggesting that they have been
The deity in the barge holds his arms outstretched so he must represent the Solar Lord and the Maya Sacred Tree. The Solar Lord is pulling the strings on the rectangular box with the Jaguar above
his head. Notice that this box is depicted slanted. The strings that
the Solar Lord is holding in his hands suggest that he’s able to pull
the strings and rotate the rectangular box with the Jaguar. He’s not
moving the box himself; he’s got help from two possums on the left and
right of the barge.
The long curly scrolls that are
emitted from their mouths of the possums is the classical way to denote
that they are talking (speech). The scrolls represent the words that
are coming from the mouth and also represent the movement of the lips.
These scrolls therefore express ‘movement’, in this case the rotation
of the box with the Jaguar on top. If we look at the scroll that
touches the box on the upper left corner, we notice that it suggests a clockwise rotation of the box.
The box with the Jaguar on top represents the solstice axis
that is rotating clockwise against the backdrop of the Galactic Cross
(the Maya Sacred Tree, represented by the outstretched arms of the
Solar Lord). The solstice axis is rotated such that it becomes parallel
to the Milky Way to form the ‘Erected Cross’ (the erected cross consist of the equinox axis and the Galactic Equator) or the Raised up Sky
of the Creation Myths! When the solstice axis has become vertically
erected, the Jaguar will have descended such that he will now coincide
with the Solar Lord. The mouth of the Jaguar was regarded to be the portal to the underworld by the Maya! The portal to the underworld of course is the Dark Rift of the Milky Way. So when the Sky is Raised, the Sun Lord and the Jaguar merge such that they represent the Sun’s alignment in the Dark Rift on the winter solstice!
Ball court
This is the ball court of Izapa where Galactic Alignment is encoded:
The ball court is aligned to the winter solstice Sun (December 21st). At the winter solstice sunrise the rays of the Sun fall over Stela 60 (E) to illuminate the Throne (B).
This is the Throne. On top the Throne a giant X cross is carved:
On the winter solstice of the
years of Great Celestial Conjunctions (1978-2017) the Sun rises at the
ball court of Izapa over Stela 60 that contains two X crosses and aligns with the single X cross of the Throne.
Note how the winter solstice Sun falls over Stela 60. Stela 60 contains two four pointed X crosses (one on the left one on the right).
At the winter
solstice era-2012, the Earth Cross aligns with the Galactic Cross and
becomes one! At Izapa the two crosses become one!
Maya Creation Myths
The Maya Creation myths deal with the first
time of creation when the Sun Lord was born. In the creation myths we
come across the 4 and 8 pointed crosses as well.
Pacal’s son K’inich Kan B’alam II is depicted in the Temple of the Cross in Palenque with a Chak that cracked open the turtle shell and allowed for the rebirth of the Sun god. He wears the boots with the double XX crosses. The Chak that opens the turtle has his arms put trough a four pointed cross.
Left the Chak that cracks open the turtle shell. Notice the double XX crosses on the leg of K’inich Kan B’alam II. Notice also that the Chak has his arms put through a four pointed cross!
Temple of the Cross Palenque
The creation myth of the opening of the turtle shell and the rebirth of the Sun God is therefore directly associated with the single X cross (Chak) and the double XX crosses (boots of K’inich Kan B’alam II)!
The creation myth of the planting of the three Heart Stones of Creation has been deciphered by Linda Schele. The act of setting the three stones is credited to a Wak-Chan-Ahaw or "Raised Up Sky Lord," who has been identified as the Maize God or Sun God. A detailed report can be read here:
In the article Linda Shele’s and
Kristhaan D. Villela describe the Maya creation myth that is derived
from the decipherment of texts appearing on Quirigua Stela C and in texts found in Palenque.
According to Schele and Villela the creation myth describes the
movement of the heavens as it appeared on August 13th 690 AD (4 Ahau, 8
Kumk’u) and the reverse movement of the sky that happens on the
reciprocal date February 5th 691 AD. Note that Linda Schele uses the
Floyd Lounsbury 584285 correlation for the Long Count-Gregorian calendar
correspondence! The Goodman, Martinez, Thomson (GMT) correlation
584283 of the date 4 Ahau, 8 Kumk’u corresponds with August 11th 690
Creation myth Schele-Villela
The creation myth explains how the Milky Way and the first place of creation (crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way near the Dark Rift) moves in the heavens through the night. While the first place of creation is visible shortly after dusk, the three stones and turtle of creation
(Orion-Gemini) appear at dawn of the next day. The Sun Lord is reborn
by the opening of the turtle by the Chak at dawn as we have mentioned
above. The double XX cross and the single X cross are associated with this event.
Although Schele and Villela have given an
accurate account of the movement of the skies at August 11th 690 AD
(GMT correlation), one wonders what makes this day so very special? The
same movement of the sky happens every year around the same time. So
the question comes to mind why did the Maya deem it important?
John Major Jenkins has pointed out that the
Maya creation myth in reality is describing the alignment of the Sun
with the Maya Sacred Tree (crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way)
during solstices. Such has been encoded at Izapa for the winter solstice
of era-2012 (1978-2017). The rebirth of the Sun Lord in Stela 67
symbolizes the birth of the new Sun or the New Age.
However the creation myth also portrays precession itself.
Gods in their canoe on their way to the place of creation
In the picture above the Gods are depicted on their way to the next place of creation (three stones and turtle)
on the night of August 11th. On board are the peddlers, the Maize God
(representing the Sun) along with the zodiac signs that represent the
nexus of the Maya Sacred Tree. These animals correspond with Scorpio-Sagittarius and Gemini-Taurus.
The Maya creation myth is speaking of the travelling of the Sun on the solstices and equinoxes during a precession cycle!
The journey of the Maize God started on the
first place of creation, at the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky
Way, half a precession cycle ago around 10.500 BC when the Sun aligned
with the Scorpio-Sagittarius nexus on the summer solstice. The Sun will arrive in era-2012 at the next place of creation. It’s the Sacred Tree nexus Gemini-Taurus where the Sun will align during the summer solstice (three stones and turtle). At the same time the Sun will align at the winter solstice at the Scorpio-Sagittarius nexus. It’s the time of a New Age, the rebirth of the Maya Sun God!
Calendars and the Great Celestial Conjunction
We also find the cross symbols in the Maya calendars.
Haab Calendar
The first month of the Haab calendar is the month Pop and 0 Pop represents new year. Its glyph contains a diagonal 4 pointed cross and a vertical 4 pointed cross. When superimposed they form of course the 8 pointed cross!
The second month of the Haab calendar is Wo or Uo and its glyph is a diagonal cross. The Maya glyph Uo translates into ‘black conjunction’.
The third month of the Haab calendar is Zip or Sip and its glyph contains a diagonal cross as well. It translates into ‘red conjunction’.
The Haab was the Maya solar calendar and is made up of eighteen months of twenty days each plus a period of five ‘bad’ days. Victoria Bricker (1982) estimates that the Haab' was first used around 550 BCE with the starting point on the winter solstice!
Haab glyphs, Notice the Pop glyph above it contains
two forms of 4 pointed crosses that when superimposed form the 8 pointed cross.
Why are the Uo and Zip signs associated with conjunctions?
Is it a coincidence that two of the cross glyphs Uo and Zip are both associated with conjunctions? Could the black conjunction correspond with the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus near the Dark Rift while the red conjunction corresponds with the Taurus-Gemini nexus? The latter place was the place where the Chak (meaning red) cracked open the turtle shell to allow for the rebirth of the Sun God!
Haab associations with the Great Celestial Conjunctions
Long Count Calendar
Also the day or Kin glyphs (day signs) of the Maya Long Count Calendar are crosses:
Kin glyphs, two very different four pointed crosses,
When superimposed they form an 8 pointed cross
The Kin glyph is associated with the Sun (Kin translates into ‘Sun-day-time’). The start date of the Long Count Calendar is 4 Ahau, 8 Cumku

Tzolkin 4 Ahau |

Haab 8 Cumku |
Start date Maya Long Count Calendar
Ahau means Solar Lord (One Hunaphu), Cumku means dark.
The start and end date of the Long Count Calendar are connected since they both start and end on 4 Ahau. It’s a great mystery why the Long Count starts on August 11th 3114 BC (GMT
correlation). What was so special about this date? Maybe they selected
the start date of the calendar such that it would link with the end
date of the 13 baktuns cycle and in addition symbolically encoded the
Great Celestial Conjunction that would occur at the end of the
calendar? Remember that the Kin signs that are incorporated in the Long
Count suggest a reference to a Great Celestial Conjunction. (Kin means Sun-Day and the two crosses form an 8 pointed cross).
If the start and end date are connected by means of the 4 Ahau date, it may well be that the start and end date were also ‘symbolically’ linked intentionally!
Start Date Long Count, 4 Ahau 8 Kumku |
End Date Long Count, 4 Ahua, 3 Kankin |
Ahau = Sun Lord, Kumku = dark |
Sun aligns with the Dark Rift |
4 Ahau, 8 Kumku |
The 8 pointed cross becomes the 4 pointed cross. |
Kin Signs |
the Kin signs are superimposed they form the 8 pointed cross, but
they are two four pointed crosses themselves, the crosses of the
Great Celestial Conjunction! |
Long Count start and end date associations with the Great Celestial Conjunction
Schele reminds us that on the day of 4 Ahau, 8
Cumku the Maya creation myth is displayed in the sky. Starting after
dusk on August 11th 690 AD (GMT correlation) the first place of
creation appears in the sky, the Milky Way and the Dark Rift are
visible. This is the time that the canoe with on board the God peddlers,
the Solar Lord and the four animals of the Maya Sacred Tree
start their journey starting from the first place of creation. Here we
see how the start of their travel is also connected with the start
date of the Maya Long Count calendar by the 4 Ahau, 8 Cumku association (Great Celestial Conjunction numbers 4 and 8 and Sun and Dark Rift conjunction = Galactic Alignment).
They arrive in the morning of August 12th
(GMT correlation) at the birthplace of the Sun Lord near the three
stones (Orion) and turtle (Gemini). The Solar Lord (Ahau) has travelled
in his canoe from the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus to the Gemini-Taurus nexus of the Maya Sacred Tree.
On the reciprocal date of February 3rd 691 AD
(GMT correlation), the journey continues and the canoe with on board
the Peddler Gods, the Solar Lord and four animals of the Maya Sacred Tree return to the origin of their journey. They have now travelled from the Gemini-Taurus nexus back to the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus and have completed a full precession cycle!
We therefore propose that the Four World Ages or the Four Suns of the Maya are defined by the Maya Sacred Tree and or the Galactic Cross which are synonyms. The Galactic Cross divides the precession cycle into four equal periods of 6480 years each.
We therefore suggest that the last
World Age or Sun did not start with the start of the Maya Long Count
calendar but at the previous Great Celestial Conjunction 6480 years ago!
It will end on the current Great Celestial Conjunction occurring in era-2012. The Maya Creation Myth is about the Four World Ages that have occurred and the fifth Sun will commence on December 21st 2012 when the Sun Lord will be reborn on the Galactic Equator again at the winter solstice!
Aztec creation myths
The prophecy of the return of the Aztec God Quetzalcoatl
has been associated by many authors with the end of the Maya Long
Count calendar but few can really explain why and or who or what this
Quetzalcoatl really is. If we look at the picture below we see Tezcatlipoca.
Red Tezcatlipoca
Notice the 8 pointed cross on his back
Tezcatlipoca is one of the four creators in the Creation Myths of the Aztecs. One of the other creators is Quetzalcoatl who
was an opponent of Tezcatlipoca and together the two both created and
destroyed each other’s creations, the Five Suns or World Ages of the
Tezcatlipoca could take on four forms (white, red, black and blue).
In the picture above he’s appearing as Red Tezcatlipoca. Notice he has an 8 pointed cross on his back! Red Tezcatlipoca has also been associated with Mixcoatl who was the father of Quetzalcoatl. Mixcoatl means ‘cloud serpent’
and was identified with the Milky Way in several Mesoamerican cultures
including the Aztecs. The cloud in his name is a metaphor for the Milky Way while the serpent is a metaphor for both the serpent like Milky Way as well as the ecliptic. So his name in reality means the ‘crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way’, the Sacred Tree.
Quetzalcoatl as depicted in the Codex Magliabechiano (16th century).
Notice the four pointed cross in his hands.
In the Codex Magliabechiano Quetzalcoatl appears with a shield with a 4 pointed cross on it! What else could the Katun prophecy of the Books of Chilam Balam that speaks of the ‘Return of Kukulkan or Quetzalcoatl’ entail but the return of the 4 pointed cross! The Maya Long Count Calendar ends on the day 4 Ahau which is a symbolic reference to the 4 pointed cross of the Great Celestial Conjunction that occurs at the winter solstice era-2012.
Codex Borgia
The Codex Borgia is a manuscript that is
believed to be written before the Spanish conquest of Mesoamerica. The
codex comprises 76 sheets and in them we find examples of the four and
eight pointed crosses associated with the Aztec creation myth.
Codex Borgia page 26
The green cross is the Galactic Cross, the red cross is the Earth Cross.
On page 26 we notice that the deities reside
on the Galactic Cross while the earthlings who vomit blood and who are
being sacrificed reside on the Earth Cross.
Page 40 Codex Borgia
At page 40 of the Codex Borgia we find a central deity (Sun God?) that is being sacrificed. There are 8 sun wheels with 8 spokes attached to the deity along with a ninth central sun wheel
at his belly. There are 8 deities who are offering the central deity
and cut with their flint knives the sun wheels 8th spoke to get the
heart of the Sun out. Blood is pouring from the sun wheels. In all cases the deities only cut a spoke that corresponds with the Galactic Cross!
In the Collection ‘Aubin Goupil’ that is
preserved in the Mexican Nation Library we find a depiction of the five
‘Ciuateteo’, the women who turned into goddesses. In the collection we
find a sun wheel that is composed of two separate four pointed crosses!
Left: Sun wheel, the green cross represent the Galactic Cross while the red cross
represents the Earth Cross. Offerings on page 40 of the Codex Borgia
are only made at junctions that correspond with the Galactic Cross! In
the picture left at the bottom of the green cross is where the cut is made.
Right: Collection preserved at the Mexican National Library depicts the sun wheel as two separate crosses.
At the bottom of page 40 of the Codex Borgia
we find two temples with a ball court in the middle. At the ball court
birth is given to who is presumably the Sun God. Red Tezcatlipoca (associated with the 8 pointed cross, see above) and Tlazolteotl are the midwives of the rebirth of the Sun God.
The Aztecs associated the Great Celestial
Conjunctions with dead and sacrifice symbolizing the ending of a World
Age or Sun. The rebirth of the Sun God symbolizes the beginning of the
next Sun! Also notice that the rim of the page is adorned with
quincunx-crosses (X cross with four dots around it)!
Page 44 Codex Borgia
page 44 of the Codex Borgia we find the central 8 spoked sun wheel
again. It is placed at the centre of a four pointed cross (the four
exits of the diagram). From the hearth of the sun wheel grows a tree
with two branches splitting into four branches. It represents the Sacred Tree. Protruding from the foliage of the Sacred Tree we find eight 4 pointed crosses.
The scenes around the central Sun in the central white four pointed
cross most likely represents the endings of the previous World Ages. On
the left the deity is bitten by the Jaguar in the nose and it
represents the ending of the first Sun by jaguars. On the right we see a
Quetzal bird that is biting a deity in the nose and at the bottom an
eagle is biting a deity in the nose.
The first World Age was called the age of Nahui-Ocelot or Four-Jaguar! The second World Age was called Nahui-Ehecatl or Four-Wind. The third world was called ‘Nahui-quiahuitl’ or Four-Rain and the fourth World was called Nahui-Atl or Four-Water. While the Aztecs speak of the five Suns, they emphasize the importance of the number 4 because it refers to the 4 pointed cross, the Galactic Cross or Sacred Tree!
Sun Stone
The 8 pointed cross also occurs in the Aztec Sun Stone as two separate crosses. In the centre the Sun God Tonatiuh is depicted.
On the Sun Stone in the inner circle the four previous Ages or Suns are depicted. The four squares around the central deity (blue cross) depict the previous four Suns that perished. On the top right square we find the jaguar. To the left is the wind, below the wind is fiery rain and in the bottom right square is water. Those were we elements that caused the end of the four Suns according to the Aztec Creation Myths. The next ring from the centre contains the 20 day signs of the Aztec calendar. The next ring contains quincunxes! The ring with quincunxes is the ring that contains the spear-head markers of the Sacred Tree and Galactic Cross ( green cross).
Aztec Sun Stone. The red cross represents the Earth Cross. The green cross is the Galactic Cross. They are two separate crosses! The Sun God is depicted in the centre. The black circles contain the Acatl glyphs that encode the merging of the Earth and Galactic Cross!
At the bottom of the Sun Stone, two Xiuhcoatl serpents are visible (bottom green cross ).
These serpents allegedly represent the Milky Way whereas the tail
represents the Pleiades and the mouth of the snake corresponds with the
Dark Rift of the Milky Way. The headdresses of the two serpents
contain seven stars representing the Pleiades. The fact
that these serpents occur at the base of the green cross confirms the
fact that this cross indeed represents the Galactic Cross.
In addition at the edge of the calendar, eight equally spaced holes occur.
At the top of the Sun Stone (top black circle) in a square the day and year bearer sign Acatl (Reed)
is depicted along with the number 13 (Acatl is the 13th day sign in
counter clockwise direction from the top in the day sign ring). Acatl is associated with Tezcatlipoca and the glyph contains a tree. We suggest that this tree represents the Sacred Tree! The day sign Acatl as the Sacred Tree appears in the day signs ring exactly at the position that aligns with the Earth Cross (red cross)!
Since the Acatl (Sacred Tree) signs occur both at the top of the Galactic Cross (top black circle) and at the position that is aligned with the Earth Cross (bottom right black circle)
in the day sign ring, we suggests that it denotes the fact that the
two crosses (Earth Cross and Galactic Cross) can merge and become one!
Top : Quincunxes in the ring that contains the Galactic Cross ( green cross).
Bottom left : The Xiuhcoatl serpents representing the Milky Way,
the seven white cirkels represent the Pleiades
Bottom centre : Acatl representing the Sacred Tree.
Bottom right : Acatl aligning with the Earth Cross! (bottom right black circle, see previous page)
Proof that the Sun Stone really
contains an 8 pointed cross can be found in the Codex Vindobonensis.
In this codex the Galactic Cross is depicted in exactly the same style
as the Galactic Cross on the Sun Stone; the curly spear head markers
that are used to denote the Galactic Cross are identical. In the Codex
Vindobonensis there can be no doubt that two separate four pointed
crosses are depicted since one of the crosses is a red cross (Galactic
Cross) while the other cross is a white cross (Earth Cross).
Codex Vindobonensis, two Galactic Cross is red, the Earth Cross is white
The Aztec Creation Myths, the fights between Tezcatlipoca (8 pointed cross) and Quetzalcoatl (4 pointed cross), their creation of the five Suns, the association of his father Mixcoatl with the Sacred Tree, the Codex Borgia and the Sun Stone all portray the importance of the crosses.
The Mesoamerican
Creation Myths of both the Maya and Aztec speak of the four Great
Celestial Conjunctions that occur during a precession cycle. This
allows us to suggest that the Great Celestial Conjunctions most likely
also define their Suns or World Ages.
Galactic Butterfly
The origin of the ‘Galactic Butterfly’ is still disputed but we know for sure that it was at least an Aztec symbol.
After the new discoveries revealed about the importance of the 8
pointed cross with respect to a Great Celestial Conjunction in this
article and the fact that the Aztec sacred Sun Stone calendar also contains the 8 pointed cross, there is now little doubt that in fact the Galactic Butterfly as yet another form of an 8 pointed cross is the symbol that represents a Great Celestial Conjunction!
The Galactic Butterfly contains two different four pointed crosses
For an in dept study of this symbol and its esoteric meaning we refer to our article The Mysteries of the Maya Symbols and the epochs of crucial world transformations
We have provided abundant evidence of the
occurrence of cross symbols in the Maya artefacts that are associated
with the Maya Sacred Tree and in particular with the Great Celestial
Conjunction that is occurring at the end of the Maya Long Count
Though the crosses were firstly marked in the
Maya artefacts two centuries ago and some hints as to their meaning
were presented in the ‘Secret Doctrine’, since then (to our knowledge)
no special studies were undertaken relative to this subject. In
continuation of the previous article (The Mysteries of the Maya Symbols and the epochs of crucial world transformations)
where the explanation of this connection was first proposed, this work
is developed on the ground of new evidences of the occurrence of cross
symbols in the Maya artefacts and its associations with the Maya
Sacred Tree.
It is established that the 4 and 8 pointed
crosses which we see in abundance in the Maya artefacts closely
correlate with Maya Cosmogony concepts and other symbols; they explain
why the end of long count at 2012 is so close to the rare cosmic event
being described as a Great Celestial Conjunction or Galactic Alignment.
We therefore offer the suggestion that the Maya Sacred Tree also stands for the Galactic Cross that
determines the quadripartite nature of the precession cycle and thus
divide the Great Year in four equal cycles; from this point of view it
defines the world epochs of the Maya and the Aztecs about which their
Creation Myths speak.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Professor Dr. Sergey Smelyakov ( www.astrotheos.com)
for the inspiration and help with this article. Without your
persistence to investigate the Galactic Butterfly symbol, my research
into the Maya crosses would never have taken place. Our co-operation
has been very successful and by no means do I regard this article to be
the fruit of my own work. It is the fruitful result of the many
intellectual thought exchanges that we had on the 4 pointed and 8
pointed crosses with respect to your Solar Zodiac model and its
association with the Maya culture.
Great Celestial Conjunction Crosses
Part II: Crosses in the Old World

Utu/Shamash the ancient Sun God of Mesopotamia
This article is the sequel to the Great Celestial Conjunction crosses that appear in the New World. In part I the Great Celestial Conjunction was discussed that is occurring in era-2012 when the Earth Cross aligns with the Galactic Cross.
It was demonstrated how this knowledge was encrypted in the creation
myths and artefacts of the Mesoamerican natives, the Maya and the
In this article it will be shown that the
same knowledge also existed in the Old World. This article is meant to
demonstrate the principles only and in no way does it claim to be a
complete survey of the ancient understanding of precession and Great
Celestial Conjunctions. It should be regarded as an eye-opener to the
possibility that the ancients understood that there are two crosses
involved in the precession cycle that define the moments of the Great
Celestial Conjunctions.
These crosses are encoded in artefacts by means of the 4 and 8 pointed crosses that represent the Earth Cross (cross of the Zodiac) and the Galactic Cross
(intersection of the Galactic Equator with the ecliptic and its
perpendicular axis). When the rotating Earth Cross is superimposed over
the fixated Galactic Cross an 8 pointed cross is formed. The two
crosses become conjunct at four moments during a precession cycle when
they overlap to form one four pointed cross. This event is called a Great Celestial Conjunction and is happening in between the years 1978-2017.
In this part the symbolism of the 4 pointed cross and the 8 pointed crosses in the Old World
will be discussed and we will demonstrate how the Great Celestial
Conjunctions was understood and encoded in the myths and mysteries of
the ancient past.
The premise of this article is that in ancient times in the Old World the Galactic Cross was denominated by the signs Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo.
These signs are mentioned in the book of Revelations and Ezekiel as the four Cherubim
that would return at the ‘End of Times’ and I therefore suggest that it
represents the intersection of the Milky Way and the ecliptic and its
perpendicular axis. Scorpio as one of the four Cherubim is often
replaced by the Eagle representing the constellation Ophiuschus near Scorpio.
Ezekiel 1:10 : As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.
Revelations 4:6-8:
6. And before the throne there was a
sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and
round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
7. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.
8. And the four beasts had each of them six wings
about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day
and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, which was, and
is, and is to come.
While the Galactic Equator intersects the ecliptic in 5° Sagittarius and 5° Gemini in the sidereal zodiac, the boundaries of the signs Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo are within a 5° range of the true Galactic Cross in the sidereal zodiac.
The reason why the signs Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo
were used to denote the Galactic Cross might be explained by the fact
that the ancients, the Sumerians, Babylonians and Egyptians were more
interested in the heliacal rising of constellations. The Egyptians for
instance based their calendar on the heliacal rising of Sirius. The
heliacal rising and setting of stars were incorporated into both
calendars and zodiacs. The signs Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo are the constellations that heliacally rise before the constellation that define the true Galactic Cross 5° Gemini, 5° Pisces, 5° Sagittarius and 5° Virgo in the sidereal zodiac.
Babylon, origin of the 8 pointed cross
In ancient Babylon the Akkadian god Shamash (Sumerian Sun god Utu) was depicted as an 8 pointed star or 8 pointed cross. His name
means Sun and temples were dedicated to Utu/Shamash in Babylon, Ur,
Mari, Nippur and Nineveh. Shamash is the keeper of the Shenu (O| ring), a symbol that was also known in Egypt as the Shen.
The symbol contains a coiled rope and it represents the orbit of the
Sun or the ecliptic. It is also a symbol of undefined time and eternity
and might therefore also represent the Sun’s orbit along the ecliptic
in the precessional cycle. In the picture below Shamash is seated on a
throne that is floating on water holding the Shenu. The water
symbolically represents the river in the sky, the Milky Way. The 8 pointed solar disk is brought before Shamash on the offer table. Notice that this 8 pointed cross consists of two different four pointed crosses that are superimposed!
Also notice that below the Sun disk cross two snake-like curls appear,
they represent the ecliptic. The resemblance of the Mesopotamian Sun
disk with the Aztec Sunstone is striking! Both have two four pointed crosses with the ecliptic snake like curls at the bottom of the Sun disk.
The pillar in front of Shamash is adorned
with the same snake like curls at the base and capital of the pillar
resembling the classical Greek Ionic style. As we will abundantly
demonstrate in this article, the pillar in ancient times was associated
with the Milky Way. Vincent Bridged and John Major Jenkins convincingly argued that the Egyptian Djed pillar
must be associated with the Milky Way too. Notice that the pillar
contains the curls at both the bottom and the top of the pillar! If
capital and base curls represent the ecliptic, the two curls on both
ends of the pillar represent the two crossing points of the ecliptic and the Milky Way that
occur at a 180 degrees angle apart (The Gemini-Taurus nexus and the
Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus). Shamash is seated on a throne that is
supported by two pillars and the pillars are supported by two figures (unidentified). Shamash
(the Sun) is seated on top of the pillars (Milky Way) representing the
two crossings of the ecliptic and Milky Way where the Sun is ‘seated’
on the Milky Way.
Top: Seal of the Sun god Utu/Shamash (Two separate four pointed crosses)
Bottom: Aztec Sun Stone with the 8 pointed cross and the snake curls
(See part I of this article).
Above Shamash three circles appear, the two on the right are the 8 pointed crosses; the one on the left is an eclipse symbol representing a conjunction!
At the bottom on the river four 8
pointed crosses are depicted. I suggest that they represent the four
Great Celestial Conjunctions that appear in a Great Year.
The Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh
is believed to be an allegory of the precessing of
the Sun along the zodiac signs in the precession cycle. The epic
recounts Gilgamesh slaying of the Heavenly Bull (Taurus). The killing of
the bull enraged Ishtar who had complained to the god Anu and asked for the Bull of the Heaven when Gilgamesh refused to marry her. After Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu killed the bull they offered its heart to Utu/Shamash (the Sun).
This epic is believed to recount the transition of equinox sun from the Age of Taurus into the Age of Aries.
Gilgamesh after his victory over the Bull of the Heavens became the
first Sumerian shepherd King (Aries is the sign of the sheep). Ishtar in the epic is associated with the vernal equinox
that determines the current Age in the precession cycle. This is why
we still celebrate Easter (Ishtar) around the vernal equinox.
In the epic of Gilgamesh we also find a
recount of the Great Flood. A retelling of the Sumerian version of the
Deluge is found in the Old Testament and is known as the biblical story
of Noah’s Ark. The epic of Gilgamesh is recorded in twelve clay tablets
(signs of the zodiac) within a cyclic nature that is to say that the
beginning lines are quoted in the 11th tablet. In the 12th tablet
Gilgamesh enters into the Underworld. In another epic Ishtar enters the
underworld through the seven gates offering one piece of clothing for
each gate that she passes. By the time she has entered into the
underworld she stands naked. This tale may relate to the spiritual
evolution of mankind and the spiritual development through the seven
planes of consciousness corresponding with the 7 chakras to finally
meet the naked Higher Self at the end of his spiritual journey.
Gilgamesh and Enkidu fighting a lion (Leo) and a bull (Taurus). Notice the 8 rays of the Sun Utu/Shamash! Cylinder seal from Ur.
Did the Sumerians understand that there is a fixed cross in the sky?
The Ishtar Gate was the 8th gate to Babylon and its walls contained bulls and dragons
(serpents) that were depicted interchangeably. Through the gate ran
the Processional Way into the city to the temple of Marduk. At a
right angle to the walls of the gate we find a wall adorned with lions!
The Ishtar Gate is symbolizing two of the four Cherubim signs of the zodiac at right angles exactly as they appear on the zodiac and may therefore represent the fixed cross or the Galactic Cross.
Left and centre: Gate of Ishtar entrance to Babylon, bull and lion.
Right: reconstruction of the Gate of Ishtar at the Museum of Berlin, the bull occurs on the gate wall while the lion occurs on the wall of the Procession Way.
The Babylonian deity Ea or Sumerian deity Enki
was the precursor of the biblical serpent in the Garden of Eden. He
was the creator of man and therefore also the precursor of the biblical
Yahweh-Elohim. He denied man immortality, changed man’s single
language into plural languages such that they could no longer
understand each other and like Gilgamesh and Noah warned man to build an
Ark for the coming Great Flood. The Great Flood occurred around a Great Celestial Conjunction estimated around 10.500 BC.
Left: Ea/Enki on his throne with the four pointed cross.
Right: Ea/Enki and his pointing pole (staff) Nirah the serpent
In the picture on the right Ea/Enki is holding a scorpion in his hands while he’s wearing he bull horns very similar to the horns of the Egyptian Isis-Hathor deity who was wearing the bull horns with a solar disk in between her horns!
Scorpio and Taurus are two of the four signs of the Galactic Cross and correspond with the Galactic Equator. The Ea/Enki serpents represent the ecliptic and the picture therefore suggests the crossings of the ecliptic with the Galactic Equator.
Notice in the pictures on the left that Ea/Enki is seated on a throne with a single four pointed cross on it (the cross of a Great Celestial Conjunction). Water is pouring from his shoulders symbolizing the Milky Way.
Ea/Enki as the serpent (ecliptic) intersects with the waters pouring
from his shoulders (the Milky Way) and therefore also represents the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way.
The two guards next to Ea/Enki guard the gate
of the Gods to the underworld that has been associated with the
Galactic Equator-ecliptic crossings at the Sagittarius-Scorpio and
Gemini-Taurus nexus.
Utu/Shamash in his serpent boat on the waters
In the picture above we see Utu/Shamash with the fiery solar rays emanating from his shoulders in his serpent boat (Ecliptic) on the waters (Milky Way). Ashore Ishtar (Vernal Equinox) is watching. Notice that the Sun God is seated on his throne with a single four pointed cross? We also see a lion (Leo)
on board the boat of Utu/Shamash. This picture I think represents the
Great Celestial Conjunction that occurred around the Great Flood 10.500
BC when the vernal equinox (Ishtar) was in Leo. Shamash as the 8 pointed cross has transformed into the single four pointed cross of his throne!
Sumerian Marduk, 9th century BC cylinder seal found at Babylon
In the picture above we see the Sumerian God Marduk on the waters (Milky Way). Next to him a serpent (Ecliptic) with two horns (Taurus) in depicted. Notice that Marduk is wearing the 8 pointed cross (Shamash/Uto) necklace (it’s damaged in the seal). In his hands he’s holding the Shenu (O-ring) a symbol very similar to the Egyptian Shen and Ankh
and I suggest that it represents the Sun on the Galactic Equator. The
Egyptian Ankh was later given an additional cross sign below the Sun +O such that it would represent the Sun on the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way
(more on that later). This seal could be interpreted to represent
again the Great Celestial Conjunction around 10.500 BC this time
however it is presented as the summer solstice Sun on the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing at the Gemini-Taurus nexus.
Left: Utu/Shamash rising from Mt.Mashu (Zechariah Sitchen)
Right: 8 pointed cross (Shamash) and two different four pointed crosses that when superimposed form an 8 pointed cross!
According to Zecharia Sitchen in the picture above we see Utu/Shamash rising from Mount Mashu to bring the Golden Age! Notice the 8 pointed cross left of Utu/Shamash that symbolizes the Sun God. Below the 8 pointed cross we see two different four pointed crosses (+ and x) that when superimposed from the 8 pointed cross!
On the right we see another 8 pointed cross. The Sumerian God is
standing in between two hills of Mount Mashu flanked by banners. The
two hills resemble the pylons of the Egyptian solar temples as well as the Egyptian Akhet (horizon) between which the sun rose.
Daniel 7: 1-4
1 In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed: then he wrote the dream, and told the sum of the matters.
2 Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.
3 And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.
4 The first was like a lion, and had eagle's
wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted
up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it
It is my premise that the cross of
the Cherubim signs corresponds with one of the four pointed crosses
that compose the 8 pointed cross of Utu/Shamash!
The four cherubim can also be found in Egypt where they are represented by sphinxes. Sphinxes were placed near the entrance of temples and they were often placed on pillars. Sphinxes incorporated all of the four Cherubim signs of the zodiac,
since it had the face of a man (Aquarius), the legs of a bull (Taurus)
and the body of lion (Leo) along with the wings of the Eagle (Scorpio)
mentioned in Revelations 4:8.
Sphinx on a pillar
The famous Sphinx at Giza is facing due East where it aligned with its celestial counter part Leo at the vernal equinox around 10.500 BC (Time of the Great Flood). This was the time that the summer solstice Sun aligned with the Dark Rift of the Milky Way; it was the time of a Great Celestial Conjunction.
When the sphinx is placed on top of a pillar its significance becomes apparent since the pillar represents the Milky Way and the four Cherubim represent the Galactic Cross. The most important pillar in ancient Egypt was the Djed pillar
and it was associated with the backbone of Osiris. Authors like John
Major Jenkins and Vincent Bridges have convincingly argued that it also
represents the Milky Way. We will have more to say on this issue later.
The Egyptians believed that the Heavens were supported by four pillars that they equated with the four legs of the celestial bull (Taurus) and the female deity Hathor.
Since Taurus is one of the signs of the Galactic Cross, the four
pillars of the word (Milky Way) could also correspond with the Milky Way-ecliptic crossing at the Gemini-Taurus nexus that defines the quadripartite nature of the Great Year when the Sun aligns with this crossing four times in a Great Year at equinoxes and solstices.
Dendera Temple of Hathor
The temple of Dendera is dedicated to the goddess Hathor. Hathor means ‘house of Horus’ and she was the personification of the Milky Way. In the Egyptian Ogdoad cosmogony, Hathor was said to be the wife of Ra and Horus was their son. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and she too was thought to be the mother of Horus. Horus was immaculately conceived from the virgin mother Isis.
Hathor and Isis were later assimilated into Isis-Hathor since they are believed to be one and the same deity in the Egyptian pantheon. Isis and Hathor are both depicted with cow-horns with a solar disk in between the horns.
Left: Hathor with the Sun in between the horns holding the Ankh
Centre: Hathor as the cow, notice the 8 pointed cross on her Menat necklace!
Right: Isis breastfeeding her son Horus
The celestial counterpart of Isis in the sky is the star Sirius, while Osiris celestial counterpart is Orion. While scholars generally agree that Isis with the horns must be associated with Canis Major the constellation containing Sirius, I suggest that she should be associated with Taurus as will demonstrate.
First of all could the Holy Trinity, Osiris,
Horus and Hathor-Isis with the Sun between the horns and the
association of Hathor with the Milky Way have something to do with the
crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way?
Holy Trinity from left to right: Osiris, Horus on the pillar and Isis.
Horus on the pillar represents the Sun on the Milky Way!
Below is the sky-chart of the summer solstice Great Celestial Conjunction (Galactic Alignment) of 1998.
Notice how the Sun resides in between the horns of Taurus! Sirius,
Orion, Taurus (Aldebaran) and the Pleiades are in line and form Osiris’s backbone!
(The Pleiades are part of the constellation Taurus). The Pleiades show
the way to the Sun on the Milky Way as we have demonstrated in our
article ‘Stonehenge Summer Solstice Galactic Alignment’ and ‘2012 Freemasons Revelations’.
The importance of the crossing of the
ecliptic and the Milky Way is expressed in several Egyptian texts such
as in the Pyramid texts: ‘May you ferry over by means of the Great Bull’ and ‘The Bull of the Sky has bent down his horn that he may pass over thereby’. In the Coffin texts we find the expression: ‘O Horn, ferry across Him who is in his shrine’.
I suggest that these texts hint at the precession of the Sun; it’s
Horus who needs a ferry across the Milky Way river near the
Gemini-Taurus nexus. Have a look at the next picture and see what the
symbolism of Isis-Hathor represents.
Hathor-Isis represents the crossing of the ecliptic and the
Milky Way near the Gemini-Taurus nexus.
There is another crossing of the Milky Way
near the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus where Horus requires a ferry to cross
the Milky Way in the precession cycle. In the papyrus Khensumes the
God Nun appears with outstretched arms and
holds aloft the solar bark of the Heavens. The ship is made of two
cosmic serpents (representing the ecliptic). In the Egyptian creation
myths Nun is the female deity of the waters of chaos, the primeval waters.
Left: Nun holding the solar bark with the scarab beetle
Right: Scarab beetle 22nd Dynasty reign of Sheshong II
The boat Nun is lifting is occupied by 8 deities including the scarab deity Khepera. In the Egyptian mythology the scarab beetle (dung beetle) Khepera pushed
the rolling Sun along the ecliptic with his hind legs, just like the
scarab beetle rolls his dung ball around all day. From the dung ball of
the scarab beetle the eggs of the beetle are hatched and therefore the
dung ball can not only be associated with the Sun but with birth as well.
Khepera was a minor solar deity in the Egyptian pantheon but he was
associated with rebirth and resurrection, as such he may represent the rebirth of the Sun on the Galactic Cross.
The fact that the scarab beetle pushes the dung ball (Sun) with his
hind legs backwards suggests that he should be associated with precession.
While the Sun moves through the zodiac in a tropical year in one
direction, the precession of the equinox Sun along the ecliptic moves
in the opposite direction! The scarab beetle pushing the Sun backwards
along the ecliptic is expressing exactly this aspect of precession.
In the artefact of Sheshong we see the scarab beetle flanked by two cobras that emerge from the Shen (O|
ring). The cobras suggest the ecliptic while the Shen suggest the
crossings of the ecliptic and Milky Way. Tutankhamun’s cartouche
contained a scarab beetle with the Sun inside the Shen glyph, which most likely expresses the idea of the Sun on the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing.
The scarab beetle, the scorpion and the crab
all have hard shells and are very similar in appearance. The scarab
beetle may also have been used as the sign of Scorpio. The scarab
beetle rolling the Sun on the ecliptic may express the idea of the Sun
precessing through the Galactic Equator near the Sagittarius-Scorpio
nexus. Notice that there is a cross (Tau Cross)
in the shell of the scarab beetle that was also depicted in Egyptian
Hieroglyphs. The scarab beetle as a symbol expresses perfectly the
crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way near Scorpio. In the picture
below the sky chart of the winter solstice of 1998 is depicted.
Scarab representing the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way
near Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus.
In the artefact depicted below, the two symbols
that represent the two zodiac signs that correspond with the crossings
of ecliptic and Milky Way are placed in barques and combined in one
artefact. The barque expresses the fact that we are dealing with a
crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way since this is the place where
the precessing Sun passes the great river in the sky, the Milky Way.
Above we see the winged solar disk with two serpents representing the
On the left the scarab beetle in a barque, on the right the bull with the horns in a barque. The scarab beetle represents the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexsus while the horns of the bull of course correspond with the Gemini-Taurus nexus. Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden.
Circular Dendera Zodiac
In the roof temple of Hathor at Dendera we find the circular Dendera zodiac.
Dendera Zodiac, temple of Hathor
In the picture below we notice that Horus (1) is depicted in his barque on the Milky Way on the green cross. This cross represents the Galactic Cross since it runs through the signs Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo.
Horis needs his barque to cross the Milky Way (Great River in the sky)
during a precession cycle when the Sun shifts through the Galactic
Equator at Great Celestial Conjunction solstices and equinoxes as a
result of precession.
Notice also that the bull with horns and solar disk (Taurus) is depicted multiple times (blue circles 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10). These bulls got the solar disk in between their horns and demonstrate that Isis-Hathor
must have been regarded very important by the zodiac makers since it
is referenced six times in the zodiac! The four bulls head on a pillar (9) might represent the four Great Celestial Conjunctions that occur during a Great Year. During a Great Year, the Sun aligns with the Milky Way near the Gemini-Taurus nexus on two equinoxes and two solstices, hence four conjunctions! Also the bull (2)
with the horns and solar disk on the pillar next to Isis represents a
conjunction of the Sun and Milky Way on the Gemini-Taurus nexus. Notice
that Isis makes a four pointed cross with her flail
and sceptre! Egyptian Pharaohs were buried in this gesture. The
presence of all these bulls with the solar disks could mean that the
Dendera Zodiac encodes Great Celestial Conjunctions.
1 Horus
2 Cow with solar disk
3 Leo with tail up
4 Cow with solar disk
5 Leo with tail down
6 Cow with solar disk
7 Taurus
8 Cow with solar disk
9 Cow with solar disk
10 Cow with solar disk
Dendera Zodiac, red circles contain the signs of Leo. The blue circles contain the signs of Taurus. In the black circle Horus in depicted in his barque on the Milky Way and the Galactic Cross (green cross)
In the picture below all of the signs of the
zodiac are encircled and numbered. Notice that the signs are not evenly
distributed. There are also two four pointed crosses in the zodiac. The green cross represents the Galactic Cross since it runs exactly through the signs Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo and Taurus. The second cross red cross runs next to the signs Capricorn, Libra, Cancer and Aries and I suggest it represents the Earth Cross.
The Earth Cross (red cross) is held by Horus (falcon headed deity) who’s depicted in twofold in the outer rim of the zodiac. Horus is holding the Earth Cross because he represents the Sun that moves along the zodiac during the precession cycle. The Galactic Cross (green cross) is held by the female deity Isis. Isis is associated with the fixated Galactic Cross since she corresponds with the Gemini-Taurus nexus where the ecliptic and the Milky Way intersect.
1 Aries
2 Taurus
3 Gemini
4 Cancer
5 Leo
6 Virgo
7 Libra
8 Scorpio
9 Sagittarius
10 Capricorn
11 Aquarius
12 Pisces
13 Lion
Dendera Zodiac contains an 8 pointed cross.
The green cross represents the Galactic Cross.
The red cross represents the Earth Cross, the red arrows
correspond with the counter clockwise direction of precession
Apparently the designers of the zodiac wanted
to preserve the symmetry of the 8 pointed cross otherwise the Earth
Cross would have been drawn straight through the signs Capricorn, Libra, Cancer and Aries as was done with the Galactic Cross. However for the Earth Cross the signs are depicted next to the cross.
There is another very important reason why this was done. If we look at the sign Cancer (4) we notice that it is not placed on the Earth Cross (red cross) where it should have been if the signs were evenly distributed, instead Gemini (3) takes its place. Cancer (4) is placed to the left and pushed upwards on the Galactic Cross along with Leo (5)! This odd placement of Cancer could suggest the conjunction of the Earth Cross and Galactic Cross!
The conjunction of both crosses is also suggested by depicting Leo twice in the zodiac. Leo is depicted once near the Earth Cross (13) and once where he really belongs on the Galactic Cross (5) (see picture above)
In addition the tail of the lion near the Earth Cross (13) is turned up over his back while the lion is looking at its own tail. The tail of the lion near the Galactic Cross (5) has his tail turned down. The tail has swayed in counter clockwise direction, the direction of precession in the Dendera Zodiac (notice the red arrows on the Earth Cross).
As a result of the counter clockwise rotation of the Earth Cross, it
becomes conjunct with the Galactic Cross where the second lion is
depicted! In addition the Lion on the Galactic Cross (5) is now depicted on a barque as if he’s travelled!
Left : Lion (13) corresponding with the Earth Cross
Right: Lion (5) corresponding with the Galactic Cross,
this lion is placed inside a barque!
Dendera Zodiac and Great Celestial Conjunctions
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz has pointed out that there are two hieroglyphs (1, 8)
used on the exterior of the zodiac disk that represents the cardinal
directions East and West (see picture below). In other words the axis (blue line) drawn through these glyphs represents an equinoctial axis and Schwaller de Lubicz believed that this line encoded the start date of the cult of the sacred bull Apsis and the inauguration of the new Pharonic calendar around 4240 BC. This time coincidentally happens to be close to the previous Great Celestial Conjunction!
Let’s have a careful look at the equinoctial line (blue line); it passes in between Gemini (5) -Taurus (6) and Sagittarius (4) -Scorpio (3). In other words the equinoctial axis also represents the Galactic Equator. Both the Galactic Equator and the equinoctial axis align! Gemini occurs twice (5, 7), once on the Galactic Equator (5) and once on the rim (7) near the East glyph (8). At the other end of the Galactic Equator we find Sagittarius (4) and Scorpio (3). Near the West glyph on the Galactic Equator we find Isis and the cow with the solar disk in between the horns placed on a pillar (2)!
This glyph suggests the Sun on the Milky Way near the Gemini-Taurus
nexus; it’s the symbolism behind Isis-Hathor that we decoded above!
We therefore conclude that Schwallar de
Lubicz equinoctial axis is in fact encoding the Great Celestial
Conjunction about 6480 years ago when the vernal equinox aligned with the Galactic Plane near the Taurus-Gemini nexus. In other words the equinoctial line through the hieroglyphs of East and West (blue line) in the Dendera zodiac encodes the Great Celestial Conjunction
around 4480 BC. This is within a 240 year range of Schwaller de Lubicz
estimated year. Since the year 4480 BC for the previous Great
Celestial Conjunction is an estimation that is based on a Platonic Year
(25920 years) that various within time, it’s safe to suggest that the
previous Great Celestial Conjunction was indeed targeted by the Dendera

1 West glyph
2 Isis-Taurus
3 Scorpio
4 Sagittarius
5 Gemini
6 Taurus
7 Gemini
8 East glyph
9 Horus on pillar
Dendara Zodiac Swaller de Lubicz.
On the outer rim the hieroglyphs of the cardinal directions east and west appear.
But let’s also point out an inconsistency
as well! The blue line in the picture above denotes the equinox axis
that aligns with the Milky Way at the Gemini-Taurus nexus in the
constellation Gemini. However at the opposite side of the Galactic
Equator at the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus, the equinox axis runs through Scorpio (3) instead of Sagittarius (4) which is incorrect!
Fortunately there is a very specific reason for this and we can pardon
the zodiac makers; Sagittarius had to be used for another Galactic Equator axis in de zodiac as well and it can’t be in two places at the same time. If we take a look at the axis that reads ‘Axis of the Temple’ (vertical red line, picture above) we notice that this line runs through Gemini (5) and Sagittarius (4), this is the correct axis for the Galactic Equator! In addition Horus (Sun) appears on the pillar (Milky Way) (9).
Horus is actually represented here as the falcon (Horus is the falcon
headed deity) on a papyrus stem, but the symbology is identical, solar
god on the pillar, the Sun on the Galactic Equator.
Could it be that there is another Great Celestial Conjunction encoded in the Dendera zodiac?
Dendera, Winter Solstice Sunrise
In the picture above the winter solstice at
Dendera is depicted. Notice that the azimuth of the winter solstice
sunrise at Dendera is 116 º 30’. The angle between Swaller de Lubicz equinoctial axis and the Axis of the Temple in the zodiac is exactly 26 º 6’ (See bottom of the picture above).
But this angle also happens to be the exact angle between the vernal equinox axis and the winter solstice axis!
The accuracy is stunningly precise! But what does it mean?
If we rotate the red line of the Axis of the Temple that we just identified as the Galactic Equator over an angle of 26 º 6’ in
the direction of precession, that is to say in a counter clockwise
direction, the axis will align with Schwaller de Lubicz equinoctial
line. We therefore suggest that the red line of the Axis of the Temple also corresponds with the winter solstice axis
(see picture above). But if this is true we have a winter solstice axis
aligned with the Galactic Equator, in other words we’ve found another Great Celestial Conjunction!
This Great Celestial Conjunction occurred
half a precession cycle ago around 10.500 BC when the Sun aligned with
the Galactic Equator near the Gemini-Taurus nexus (Isis-Hathor
association) on the winter solstice. This time corresponds with the
Egyptian first time or Zep Tepi and the time of the Great Flood.
Not only the Sumerians and Babylonians paid much attention to the
Great Celestial Conjunction of half a precession cycle ago (Great
Flood), but the Egyptians as well!
Rectangular Dendera Zodiac
In the Hypostyle Hall at Dendera we find the
rectangular zodiac. The zodiac is flanked by two deities that are both
adorned with 8 pointed crosses (rose like). The 8 pointed cross exists of a 4 pointed cross
with large petals and one with small petals that are superimposed. The
crosses appear from head to toe and four additional crosses are
depicted near the head that may represent the four Great Celestial Conjunctions in a Great Year.
Rectangular zodiac Dendera
The rectangular Dendera zodiac expresses the
importance of the ecliptic-Milky crossings in various ways and it seems
to be the most important message of this zodiac. All deities in the
bottom bar are placed inside barques beneath the zodiac signs; they
suggest they are travelling along the ecliptic. The barque is required
to cross the great river in the sky, the Milky Way when the gods travel
along the ecliptic in a precession cycle. Near the female’s head with
the 8 pointed crosses, the winged disk of Ra is depicted. Ra as the solar god travels along the ecliptic during a precession cycle.
Top: the four signs associated with the Galactic Equator and deity in circle
Bottom left: Winged disk of Ra as the sun travelling along the ecliptic
Bottom centre: Notice the 8 pointed crosses from head to toe on the deity
Bottom right: The bull Taurus with the solar disk in the nape of his neck
At the
exact place where the ecliptic crosses the Milky Way at the
Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus a deity is placed seated inside a circle in a
boat! I suggest that he’s inside a womb since this place is the birthplace of the Sun on the Galactic Cross.
He’s the only deity that is seated; all other deities are standing
erect. The zodiac signs that are associated with the ecliptic-Milky Way
crossings are placed in the sequence Taurus, Sagittarius, Gemini, Scorpio
and not in the natural order they occur in the zodiac. Grouping them
together in this way expresses the fact that these signs are important
and belong together. They belong to the Galactic Equator! In addition
in the zodiac Taurus the bull is depicted with the solar disk on his
back (Isis-Hathor association, sun on the Milky Way near Gemini-Taurus).
Leg of the Bull
In the centre of the circular Dendera zodiac
as well as in the rectangular Dendera zodiac (see picture above) there
is a theme depicted that is recurring in several Egyptian temples. It
has to do with the leg or thigh constellation of the bull (Taurus).
While some researchers such as Robert Bauval and Andrew Collins have
identified the ‘Leg of the Bull’ with Ursa Major (Big Dipper), others like Wayne Herschel have identified the ‘Leg of the Bull’ constellation with the Pleiades.
The Pleiades in shape resemble a leg and in the Book of the Dead a
text alludes to Sokar (tripartite deity Ptah-Sokar-Osiris) slaying of
the Bull and chopping off of his leg. The severed leg of Taurus was
transferred to another place in the sky, a so called mooring post in
the sky that presumably corresponds with the Pleiades.
I fully endorse Herschel’s research, however I
do not share his conclusions that the Pleiades in the star maps that
he’s discovered around the world point to a star. He believes that the
Egyptians did not worship Ra our own Sun, but instead worshiped another
Sun like star that belonged to another solar system. This solar system
was the home of extraterrestrials who in ancient times visited Earth
according to Herschel. I suggest that Herschel’s mystery star in fact
is the Sun on the Galactic Equator near the Gemini-Taurus nexus. The Pleiades are simply a pointer to the Sun on the Milky Way. Earlier I decoded the role of the Pleiades as a pointer to the summer solstice Sun on the Milky Way in my Stonehenge and the Freemasons Revelations article.
The Leg of the Bull theme is presented in the
centre of the circular zodiac and expresses its importance. In the
temple of Hathor at Dendera a text occurs that refers to the ‘Leg of
the Bull’.
“The living god Thoth – nourished by the
sublime goddess in the temple – the sovereign of the country –
stretches the rope in joy (align with it) – With his glance .. -
..towards the ‘ak’ of the bull’s thigh constellation.. – he establishes
the temple house of the mistress of Dendera, as it took place there
(Wayne Herschel, The Hidden Records, pg 141)
I believe that this text is referring to the Galactic Alignment (align with it) that have occurred in ancient past (took place there before) and that the Pleiades (Ak of the bull’s thigh constellation) is the pointer to this alignment of the Sun on the Milky Way near the Gemini-Taurus nexus (establishes the temple house of the mistress of Dendera).
1 Leg of the Bull
2 Hippo associated with birth
3 Deity in circle (womb)
4 Falcon headed deity Horus
5 Cow with falcon on his back
6 Isis
7 Umbilical cord
Leg of the Bull, Dendera zodiac
In the picture above the Leg of the Bull (1) of Dendera is depicted. Notice that this leg is pointing to the cow with the falcon on top (5). The falcon (Horus) on the back of the cow represents the Sun on the Milky Way near the Gemini-Taurus nexus. To the left the falcon headed Horus (4) is depicted and he’s accompanied by Isis to the right (6). Notice the little deity inside the circle (3). It may represent the womb that contains the foetus Horus, who as son of Isis is to be reborn as the Sun on the Galactic Cross during a Great Celestial Conjunction. Remember that we saw a similar deity inside a circle in the rectangular Dendera zodiac exactly at the crossing place of ecliptic and Milky Way in Gemini, the birthplace of the Sun!
The hippopotamus deity (2) is Taweret or Thoeris.
In the Old Kingdom she was seen as the protector of childbirth and was
depicted pregnant. Her celestial counterpart is the northern
constellation Draco. Taweret was often depicted with a crocodile on her back. Draco resides next to Cygnus, the constellation of the swan also known as the Northern Cross.
At Cygnus the Dark Rift of the Milky Way starts and runs down all the
way to the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus. The crocodile on the back of
Taweret therefore represents the Milky Way and the mouth of the
crocodile represents the Dark Rift. Taweret was also associated with Hathor and was also depicted with the solar disk and horns.
Left: Hippo Taweret with the crocodile
Right: Taweret with the Ankh and solar disk in between the horns on a pillar
Taweret can therefore both be associated with
both the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus (crocodile, Dark Rift association)
and the Gemini-Taurus nexus (Isis-Hathor, sun disk and horns
association). Appearing in the centre of the zodiac she represents the
midwife who will help with the rebirth of the Sun on the ecliptic Milky
Way crossings. One birthplace is represented by Isis-Hathor; it’s the
place where the Sun resides in between the horns of Taurus, the other is the mouth of the crocodile
on the back of Taweret, it’s the Dark Rift. Notice how Taweret is
connected through a kind of umbilical cord to the Leg of the Bull (red line).
The Leg of the Bull is also depicted on the ceiling in the tomb of Seti I and in murals in the tomb of Senmut.
In the tomb of Senmut we see Sokar pointing his spear at the Leg of
the Bull (not to be mistaken for Taurus). The Leg of the Bull is the
Pleiades in the constellation Taurus. Isis with the solar disk in
between her horns appears beside the Leg of the Bull. The Leg of the
Bull is pointing to a particular place, a red dot (star) on a pillar
erected from the Earth. Next to the pillar (obelisk?) we find the hippo
deity Taweret and a figure pointing upwards to the skies.
Tomb of Senmut, Deir el Bahri Egypt. Upper right corner, the Leg of the Bull theme. Sokar points with his spear towards the Leg of the Bull.
This is how I think the Leg of the Bull theme
should be interpreted (see picture below); Sokar (Ptah-Sokar-Osiris)
with his spear represents Orion that is pointing the way to the Pleiades in Taurus.
As the falcon headed deity, Sokar is often also associated with Horus.
The Pleiades are a pointer to the crossing of the ecliptic and the
Milky Way where the sun resides during Galactic Alignments on solstices
and equinoxes. The obelisk like pillar actually represents the Milky Way.
The Pleiades occur above the back of Taurus. In the Leg of the Bull
theme in the tomb of Senmut however it is depicted as the tail of the
bull. The tail functions as the pointer and thus points the way. So the
Leg of the Bull theme does not represent the actual representation of
the star configurations in the sky but should be interpreted
symbolically. Notice that the bull as Taurus is shaped in the form of
the leg itself! Taweret is present to assist with the birth of the Sun.
Leg of the Bull, Dendera and Senmut
tomb. Notice that while the horns of Taurus correspond with the mural
of Senmut, the Milky Way resides to the left and not to the right as is
depicted in the mural.
The reason why the mural of the Senmut tomb
does not correspond with the situation in the sky is that the graphical
representation was meant to symbolically depict the Galactic
Alignment. The Sun and Milky Way actually should have appeared left of
Orion, but it would have destroyed the simplicity and symbolism of the
Leg of the Bull theme in the mural.
Mirror image of the Leg of the Bull, Senmut tomb
Greek influence
There’s one inconsistency concerning the
circular Dendera zodiac that I would like to explain. The zodiac makers
on one hand used the heliacal rising of stars to denote the Galactic Cross and Earth Cross, while on the other hand they used the exact constellations
to denote the Galactic Equator. Scholars agree that the temple of
Hathor was built in the Ptolemaic period (304-30 BC) but the majority
of the Dendera complex must be dated back to ancient times of the Old
and Middle Dynasties. The Greco-Roman influence in the construction of
the temple of Hathor explains why different references to the Galactic
Cross have been blended and used in the Dendera zodiac. Referencing the
Galactic cross by means of the four cherubim is a custom that can be
traced back to ancient Sumer and Babylon, while the Greek and Romans
used the exact Sun-constellation conjunctions to denote celestial
events (Also see the paragraph about the Greek Cross below).
Ancient astronomical understanding may have been blended with
Roman/Greek astronomical knowledge in the Dendera zodiac making it hard
and confusing to understand. It explains why many scholars have
proposed different theories about the enigmatic zodiac.
I offer the suggestion that the Dendera
zodiac was created to commemorate events of ancient times preceding the
Pharaonic Dynastic times. These are the first time of creation or Zep Tepi after the Great Flood and the inauguration of the Pharaonic calendar that both coincide with Great Celestial Conjunctions.
Finally at Dendera we also find depictions of
the Djed pillar and the deity Nut on a pillar helping to raise the
stones with the serpents. The serpents represent the ecliptic and we
suggest that the picture may symbolize the rotation of the Earth Cross against the backdrop of the fixed Galactic Cross.
The Djed pillar (right) and Nut (left) lift the ecliptic
Ankh and Djed pillar
The Ankh and Djed pillars are the quintessential symbols that represent the ecliptic and Milky Way crossing par excellence.
Ankhs and Djed pillars supporting the sky
The Djed pillar represents the Milky Way, the Tree of Life and Axis Mundi.
The Axis Mundi was represented in ancient times as a rope or a ladder
into the skies (Jacobs’s ladder), by a pillar or a staff. The Raising of the Djed pillar is the perfect Egyptian metaphor that explains how the Earth Cross becomes conjunct with the Galactic Cross.
While the Earth Cross rotates against the backdrop of the fixated
Galactic Cross, motion is relative and could also be expressed in
reverse terms where it appears that the Galactic Cross (Djed Pillar)
aligns with the Earth Cross. In other words how the Galactic Equator
becomes perpendicular to either the equinox or the solstice axis and
forms a cross. This I believe is what ‘Raising the Djed pillar’ in Egyptian mythology is expressing.
The Pharaoh Seti l, Raising the Djed, from Abydos
The Ankh represents the Sun on the crossing
of the Milky Way and ecliptic. It’s a symbol that may have developed
from the Shen symbol (O|) into the Ankh (O|-). In the picture below on
the left the crossing of ecliptic and Milky Way is expressed at the
Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus since the scarab beetle
occurs inside the Ankh. In the picture in the centre we see the Djed
Pillar with the solar disk in between the horns of Taurus. It
represents the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way near the
Gemini-Taurus nexus. In the picture on the right we see the Djed pillar
with the Ankh on top while the Ankh is holding the solar disk.
Left: Scarab beetle with
solar disk flanked by two cobras (ecliptic) inside the Ankh, The scarab
beetle also occurs inside the Shen (top left)
Centre: Djed pillar with the solar disk in between the horns of Taurus.
Right: Djed pillar, Ankh and solar disk
In the picture below the Ankh crosses are
held in cross form to explain their meaning. They represent the two
crossings of the ecliptic and the Milky Way. Pharaohs as the living
Horus where buried with the flail and sceptre held in the same posture
since their soul would travel to the Golden Gate or Gate of Gods after dead. The Golden Gate is the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way near the Sagittarius - Scorpio nexus. The Silver Gate or Gate of Man
on the other hand represents the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way
near the Gemini -Taurus nexus. The Egyptians believed that the soul of
man incarnated through this gate into the physical realm.
Double Ankh held in cross form (right statue at Karnak). The crossed arms express the fact that the Ankh is a cross.
The fact that the crossed arms are really
mend to represent a cross I believe is demonstrated by sarcophaguses
that show the pharaoh with crossed arms along with a big X cross
depicted on his chest.
Sarcophagus with crossed arms and X cross on chest
Dutch National Museum of antiquities, Leiden.
In the picture below we see two other
examples that demonstrate that the cross must be associated with the
crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way. The statue on the right has his
arms crossed while he’s holding an Ankh (Sun on the Milky Way) in one
hand and a Djed Pillar (Milky Way) in the other hand. On the left we see
the decoration on the inside of a sarcophagus depicting Horus with a
big X cross on his chest. Horus (as the Sun) is fully encircled by a
rattlesnake representing the ecliptic.
Left: Horus with big X cross on his chest
Right: Grave statue of Tjel mayor of Memphis under Amenhotep III
Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden.
The following
artefact is truly remarkable and may be regarded as proof that the
Egyptian understood the Great Celestial Conjunction in terms of
crosses. The eight pointed cross that we identified in the Dendera
Zodiac is displayed here together with two of the most sacred symbols
of Egypt, the symbols that must be associated with the crossing of the
ecliptic and Milky Way where the Sun resides at the equinoxes and/or
solstices of a Great Celestial Conjunction. The Ankh and Djed pillar
are placed on what may be a barque. Egyptian deities in particular
those that were associated with the Sun (Ra, Horus) were often placed
inside a barque because the Sun while travelling along the ecliptic in a
Great Year (precession), needs a ferry to cross the Milky Way twice.
The fact that these three symbols, Ankh, Djed pillar and 8 pointed
cross appear together in one artefact is no coincidence and shows that
these three symbols belong together.
Ankh, Djed pillar and 8 pointed cross appearing on an amulet
Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden
Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis and it was said that his name meant ‘Horus who rules with two eyes’. His white right eye represented the Sun while
his left black eye represented the moon. Horus lost his left eye in a
fight with his wicked uncle Set, the brother of this father Osiris.
Horus wanted to avenge Seth's murder of his father but in the fight
Seth tore out Horus his eye. The eyes were buried and Lotus flowers
grew from his eyes. Horus was finally cured by Hathor. Could the eyes
of Horus be another metaphor for the two crossings of the ecliptic and
Milky Way?
Wadjet Eye or Eye of Horus (replica of papyrus painting)
Notice the falcon on the left and the cobra
to the right of the Eye of Horus. The cobra represents the ecliptic.
The blue-grey part of the eye with the ‘teardrop’ underneath the eye
looks very similar to the Ankh symbol. Why was the teardrop added to
the Eye of Horus?
Praise to thee, thou Eye of Horus,
the Ennead of gods rejoices,
when it (the eye of Horus) riseth
in the eastern horizon.
Praise to thee, O Eye of Horus.
(Pyramid texts)
The Sun rises in the East only at equinoxes,
could the pyramid texts therefore be speaking of the equinox alignment
with the ‘Eye of Horus’, the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing?
The ‘Eye of Horus’ was also seen on images
of his mother Hathor and hence Hathor was associated with the Eye of
Horus as well. We’ve demonstrated that Isis-Hathor must be equated with
the ecliptic Milky Way crossing at the Gemini-Taurus nexus. In
addition the Egyptians believed that the Eye of Horus assisted in
rebirth. The Eye of Horus is therefore probably just another metaphor for the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing. In the Book of the Dead the Eye of Horus appears on top of the pillar next to the bull with the solar disk between the horns with the Eye of Horus.
Eye of Horus/Hathor, Book of the Dead chapter 17
The following decoration appears on a
sarcophagus and contains a lot of symbolism concerning the
ecliptic-Milky Way crossings combined in one picture (see picture
below). First of all we see Horus with the solar disk on his head
seated on his throne. He’s depicted twice once facing east once facing
west, the cardinal directions of the equinox sun. Seated on his throne
he may represent the Sun on the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing when the
Sun resides in its most sacred place in a precession cycle; the Sun is
put on his throne so to speak. Horus is depicted twice on this throne
because there are two ecliptic-Milky Way crossings on the Galactic
Equator, one is the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus, the other the
Gemini-Taurus nexus. Both crossings appear on opposite sides of the
Galactic Equator and may be expressed by the fact that the two Horuses
are sitting back to back. Underneath each of the thrones the eye of
Horus is depicted because as we have demonstrated above the eye of
Horus is yet another metaphor for the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing.
In the centre we see the scarab beetle,
symbolizing both the precessing Sun as well as the Sagittarius-Scorpio
nexus. Right below the scarab beetle we see a winged version of Isis.
Isis-Hathor must be associated with the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing at
the Gemini-Taurus nexus.
Finally four Ankhs are depicted around the
scarab beetle; the four Ankhs in this decoration are most likely
expressing the fact that four times in a precession cycle the Sun
resides on the Milky Way, at the vernal equinox, fall equinox, summer
solstice and winter solstice. These four moments define the four Great
Celestial Conjunctions in a Great Year.
Sarcophagus decoration
Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden
Greek Cross
The Greek cross predates
the Christian Cross and still contains the esoteric knowledge of the
Great Celestial Conjunctions in the Great Year. This cross has nothing
to do with the crucifixion of Christ because it was used by the Greek
long before Christ was born. Christianity later adopted the Calvery
Cross as its sacred symbol and the cross association with the original
ancient symbolism of the Great Celestial Conjunctions and the Great
Year was gradually lost. The Catholic Church has done everything within
its power to eradicate these pagan roots of the cross and its original
meaning but traces of the pagan roots of the new religion of the Age
of Pisces can still be found in the ancient customs, symbols and
artefacts of the Church. We will discuss the Church Crosses in the next
paragraph and demonstrate that the ancient esoteric cross associations
with the Great Year are not lost but preserved even within the Catholic
Left: Greek Alexandrian Cross in between two Ankhs
Right: Greek cross with the 8 pointed cross (2 four pointed crosses)
The Greek zodiac cross below encodes knowledge of the Great Celestial Conjunctions and precession.
Greek zodiac cross (Notice the 8 pointed cross in the centre)
First of all notice the eight-spoked wheel in
the centre of the Greek cross; it’s the symbol of the Great Celestial
Conjunction. The eight spoked wheel represents the zodiac wheel with
the Earth Cross (the cross formed by the equinoxes and solstices) and
the Galactic Cross superimposed. It is the zodiac wheel that spins
during a precession cycle denoting the Earth Cross that rotates against
the backdrop of the static Galactic Cross.
The Greek cross contains the 12 signs of the
zodiac arranged in such a way that they encode the Great Celestial
Conjunction of era-2012. From the centre of the cross there are three
groups of zodiac signs in concentric rings around the centre. In
astrology these three groups are called the ‘fixed signs’, the
‘cardinal signs’ and the ‘mutable signs’. In the zodiac these 3 groups
form 3 crosses and that’s why they are displayed on the Greek Cross as
three separate crosses as well. This is achieved by the way these signs
are distributed over the Greek Cross.
The first ring (closest to the centre) contains the cardinal signs (from the first sign on the right (Aries) in counter clockwise direction):
Ring 1
- Aries
- Cancer
- Libra
- Capricorn
These four cardinal signs in the Tropical Zodiac determine the equinoxes and solstices! By definition the ‘first point’ of Aries defines the spring equinox, the first point in Cancer the summer solstice, the first point of Libra the autumn equinox and the first point of Capricorn the winter solstice.
The second ring (in the middle) contains the fixed signs (from the first sign on the right (Leo) in counter clockwise direction):
Ring 2
- Leo
- Scorpio
- Aquarius
- Taurus
These are the four signs of the zodiac that
since ancient times are associated with the Galactic Cross. The third
ring contains the mutable signs (from the first sign on the right (Sagittarius) in counter clockwise direction):
Ring 3
- Sagittarius
- Pisces
- Gemini
- Virgo
The signs of the third ring (outer ring) are
the signs of the true Galactic Cross where the Milky Way and the
ecliptic intersect. The Galactic Cross is defined by 5° Gemini, 5° Pisces, 5° Sagittarius and 5° Virgo in the sidereal zodiac.
Notice the snake or Ouroborous (a snake
biting its own tail) in the Greek cross. The Ouroborous bites its own
tail symbolising the cyclic nature of time in general and precession in
particular. The snake represents the ecliptic, hence the path the Sun
travels both in a solar year and a Platonic Year as well. The
Ouroborous connects all the signs in the Greek zodiac cross in a
particular order because it runs through the signs from tail to head in
a well defined sequence. This sequence is the sequence the Sun passes
through the signs in the precession cycle in reverse motion. While the
Sun moves in forward direction through the signs of the zodiac in a
solar year, it passes through these signs in opposite direction during
the precession cycle.
The snake connects the signs of the Tropical
Zodiac that are associated with the equinoxes/solstices with the signs
associated with the nexuses of the Galactic Cross. The equinoxes and
solstices in the Greek cross and their association with the Galactic
Cross nexuses are such that they seem to encode the current Great
Celestial Conjunction (era-2012) when:
- The sun resides in the Pisces-Aquarius nexus on the spring equinox.
- The sun resides in the Gemini-Cancer nexus on the summer solstice
- The sun resides in the Virgo-Leo nexus on the autumn equinox
- The sun resides in the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus on the winter solstice
Galactic Cross Nexus
Solstice-Equinox association
Spring Equinox
Winter Solstice
Autumn Equinox
Summer Solstice
The Ouroborous of the Greek cross connects the signs of the zodiac
such that the current Great Celestial Conjunction (era-2012) is encoded.
If the Greek zodiac cross really encodes the
current Great Celestial Conjunction can not be proven beyond any
reasonable doubt because the Ouroborous follows the expected sequence
order of the zodiac signs such that the signs of the three groups are
automatically arranged in the four triplets as indicated in the table
Church crosses
Catholic churches are the gathering places of
the congregations and the church is the prime religious symbol of
Christianity. Few believers are aware of the fact that these church
buildings contain pagan elements that can be traced back to ancient
Egypt. When a Christian enters the house of his father the first
religious ritual that he’s expected to perform is to make the cross
sign with the Holy Water with the words ‘In the name of the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Ghost, Amen’. Most likely the believer does not
realise that Amen stands for Amen-Ra or Amen-Re
the Sun God of ancient Egypt! I suggest that the cross sign he makes
represents the cross of the zodiac and not Christ’s cross!
The Holy Water is contained in a font at the
entrance of the church under the steeple. Egyptian temples had sacred
pools that were used in purification rituals akin to Baptism. According
to Christian teachings, the child will be purified from the sins
commit by the parents during the conception of the child.
The ceiling of the entrance (under the
steeple) is often adorned with the ‘All seeing eye of God’. The ‘All
seeing eye of God’ is copied from the Egyptian ‘All seeing eye of
Left: Eye of Horus Egypt
Right: All Seeing Eye and pyramid, Seal of the United States of America
The ‘All seeing Eye’ also occurs on the
American Seal and on the dollar bill on the keystone of the pyramid!
The founding fathers of the USA were freemasons who understood the
significance of these ancient Egyptian symbols.
The church steeple itself has a relation with
the ancient Egyptian custom to erect obelisks as tokens of Sun worship
and appraisal of the Sun God Amen-Ra. Both in shape and length the
church’s steeple and the obelisk have much in common and may explain
why the steeple was given a spire to reflect the pyramidal top of the
obelisk. The earliest Gothic Cathedrals (Chartres) were given pyramidal
shaped spires such as the twelfth-century south tower spire.
On top of the church spire we find the wind vane that aligns with the direction of the wind. There’s a fixed cross
that is aligned with the cardinal directions such that the direction
of the wind can be determined. Many churches have wind vanes with 8 pointed crosses. In many cases these crosses consist of two separate 4 pointed crosses
that are superimposed! One could argue that these 8 pointed crosses
contain the four cardinal directions including the directions in
between (NNE, NNW, SSE and SSW) but I suggest that the wind vane may
have a deeper esoteric meaning! Placed on top of the
church’s spire (representing a giant sun worshiping obelisk) the wind
vane demonstrates how the axis of the solstice and equinox (the cock)
can rotate against the backdrop of a fixed cross (the cross of the
cardinal directions). It’s a metaphor for the rotation of the Earth Cross against the backdrop of the Galactic Cross. The wind vane esoterically also stands for alignment, the alignment of the vane with the wind.
Wind vanes found on
churches, none of them are very useful since the fixed cross is placed
vertical. The one of the right is a real wind vane! Notice how the
‘wind vanes’ are composed of two different four pointed crosses that
are superimposed!
At the Vatican this understanding of the two
crosses is displayed in a compelling way. At Saint Peter’s Square we
find the obelisk at the centre of the square. Around the obelisk we
find two circles. The inner circle contains a 4 pointed cross. The outer circle contains an 8 pointed cross.
The obelisk at the centre of Saint Peter’s Square represents the Sun.
The rotating Earth Cross (inner circle) is displayed here against the
backdrop of the 8 pointed cross. The outer circle therefore represents
the superimposed crosses of the Earth Cross and Galactic Cross.
The lines of the crosses are set in
travertine among the cobblestones of the Plaza. In 1817 circular stones
were set to mark the tip of the obelisks shadow at noon making the
obelisk a giant sundial gnomon with Saint Peter’s square perfectly
aligned to the cardinal directions!
Above: the perfect alignment of the St. Peter's square to the cardinal directions.
Below: The 8 pointed cross on St. Peter's square, the obelisk is a pagan token of Sun worship. There is a 4 pointed cross in the inner circle and an 8 pointed cross in the outer circle, the obelisk represents the Sun!
When the Pope gives his blessings to the
public at St Peter’s square during the morning service at Easter, he’s
facing directly into the equinox Sun which rises due
East! The celebration of Easter is associated with the vernal equinox
and has pagan roots. Its roots can be traced back to ancient Babylonian
myths concerning the goddess Ishtar (pronounced as
Easter) as we have demonstrated in this article. Ishtar is linked to
the Babylonian understanding of the precession of the equinoxes and its
association with the 8 pointed cross (Shamash).
Pope John Paul II addresses the public at Easter 6 days after the vernal equinox at March 27 2005
while he faces the equinox Sun. The palace is adorned with 8 pointed
crosses that are associated with Ishtar and Shamash of ancient Babylon.
During services at the Vatican the Pope wears a stole with 8 pointed crosses. The 8 pointed crosses on the stole are actually two different 4 pointed crosses that are superimposed! The palace from which he speaks is adorned with 8 pointed crosses.
The 8 pointed crosses on the papal stole are two different four pointed
crosses superimposed! On the right Pope Benedict XVI delivering Urbi
Et Orbi. One wonders who he really welcomes at Easter facing the
equinox Sun when he spreads his arms to form the cross of the Zodiac?
Notice the crosses on his stole.
The Coat of Arms of the Holy See
contains crosses on crosses and bears little resemblance with the
cross that Jesus died on, the real Christian Cross. Notice that there
are two crosses on two keys. The keys themselves form yet another
Coat of Arms of the Holy See
In Christian churches we find abundant examples of 8 pointed crosses in lead glass windows and floor tiles and in most if not all cases these 8 pointed crosses exist of two separate four pointed crosses!
Impression of 8 pointed crosses photographed in French churches one of the churches is Eglise Ste Croix (Saint Gilles Croix de Vie)
What do all these strange 4 and 8 pointed crosses do in Christian churches that bear no resemblance with the original cross that Christ died on?
Cross of Calvary
The only real Christian cross
Chartres Cathedral
One of the earliest Gothic cathedrals that
were built in France is Chartres Cathedral. Chartres Cathedral was
built in between 1194 and 1220 and the initiator to the rapid
construction of the gigantic masterpiece of architecture was the local
bishop Renauld. A community of less than 10.000 people managed to build
and finance the construction of the cathedral.
Allegedly the Knights Templar
aided in both the finance and construction of the cathedral and it may
explain the enormous splendour and sacred geometry that went into the
design of this church. Many books have been written about the cathedral
and its enigmas. But most amazingly this cathedral may also hide a
secret about the ‘End of Times’.
First of all the cathedral is aligned to the summer solstice Sun.
The main axis of the cathedral is oriented 47° towards the north-east
and therefore perfectly aligns with the summer solstice axis. On the
summer solstice the Sun falls through a window called ‘Saint
Appollinaire’ depicting the Greek Sun God Apollo straight on an iron
nail set in stone on the floor of the cathedral.
Summer solstice Sun Chartres Cathedral
The cathedral also contains a zodiac, very
inappropriate for a church since astrology is all evil pagan belief
according to Christians. The zodiac seems to be telling something very
important since it’s not an ordinary zodiac.
Zodiac Chartres Cathedral, the zodiac contains two circles
that intersects and form the Vesica Pisces.
The zodiac contains two circles that intersect and form a Vesica Pisces.
A Vesica Pisces is a very ancient symbol but was later adopted by
Christians to symbolize Christ. Christians nowadays used them often as
bumper stickers on their cars. Vesica Pisces means bladder of the fish.
The symbol when displayed vertical is also associated with birth since
the shape represents the female birth canal and in ancient times was
associated with the vagina of the female goddess. In Christian art we
find examples where Christ is depicted inside the vertical Vesica
Vesica Pisces |
Symbol of Christianity |
Vesica Pisces, symbol of the fish and birth
Christianity of course is the new religion of
our current age, the Age of Pisces. When we study the Vesica Pisces in
the zodiac at Chartres we discover something very interesting. The
intersection of the Vesica Pisces aligns with the Pisces-Virgo axis in the zodiac. It is telling us that the Vesica Pisces must be associated with the Age of Pisces and it is suggesting an association with birth.
It could be symbolizing the birth of Christ at the beginning of the
Age of Pisces, but that of course is hardly a secret. It’s no
coincidence that Jesus was born from a virgin mother since Pisces and Virgo are
opposite signs of the zodiac. They are connected by the symbol of
birth the Vesica Pisces in the Chartres Zodiac! Since Jesus his birth
date is no big secret, the Chartres zodiac is most likely symbolizing
another birth in the Age of Pisces, a birth that’s very important.
There’s one very important astronomical birth
happening in the Age of Pisces around era-2012 and that’s the rebirth
of the Sun in the precessional cycle on the Galactic Cross. It means
the beginning of a new precession cycle. Could it be that the Chartres
Zodiac is meant to encode this event, a Great Celestial Conjunction?
In the years 1978-2017 on the equinoxes the 5° Pisces - 5° Virgo axis (sidereal zodiac) aligns with the Galactic Cross while on the solstices the 5° Gemini - 5° Sagittarius axis
(sidereal zodiac) aligns with the Galactic Cross. We find these axes
symbolically in the Chartres Zodiac and they are determined by the
Vesica Pisces!
Chartres Zodiac. The axis of the Vesica Pisces coincides with one of the axis that forms the Galactic Cross at the current Great Celestial Conjunction era-2012!
If the Zodiac Cross
encodes the summer solstice Galactic Alignment that occurs in between
1978-2017 than we should at least also find clues of the importance of
the summer solstice in the same zodiac. The white cross above by itself
doesn’t mean anything.
If we replace the signs of the Zodiac by the
cardinal directions such that Taurus is replaced by the North, Scorpio
by the South and Leo and Aquarius by West and East respectively, we
discover some new things. The Sun is now depicted in the right position
in the upper right corner that corresponds with the North East, the
direction of the summer solstice sunrise. In addition
in the south West region of the Zodiac we find a marker that could
represent a marker for the summer solstice axis! Also keep in mind that
the cathedral is aligned to the summer solstice sun itself!
Notice there is a line that connects the Sun
to the centre of the zodiac. This line is connecting the Sun with the
birthplace of the Sun that is inside the Vesica Pisces (the female birth canal) and on the Galactic cross! The Vesica Pisces in this case therefore suggests the birth of the Sun at the summer solstice.
There is only one event in the Age of
Pisces that qualifies for this cosmic event and that‘s the summer
solstice Galactic Alignment in era-2012!
The Zodiac also encodes
the summer solstice. The summer solstice Sun is depicted in the North
East (sunrise). There’s an additional marker in the South West region
of the Zodiac that aligns with the Vesica Pisces axis. It’s depicted
enlarged in the bottom left corner of the picture.
The Chartres zodiac is not the only way the
Knights Templar encoded the importance of the summer solstice Galactic
Alignment. There is a very important additional clue that fits in
perfectly and uses the very same symbol, the Vesica Pisces.
Chartres Cathedral is known for the
veneration of the Black Madonna. The Black Madonna is placed in a nave
with the shape of a Vesica Pisces. The Black Madonna has little to do
with Christianity since she represents the pagan Egyptian goddess Isis!
In here arms she’s not holding Jesus but her immaculate conceived son,
the ‘Sun of God’ Horus!
Left: Black Madonna at Chartres
Right the ‘Lady of the Pillar’ amidst 8 pointed crosses
Notice that the virgin mother is placed on
top of a pillar (Milky Way). The origin of the custom to place the
virgin mother Mary on the pillar stems from the legend of ‘Our Lady on the Pillar’.
The legend relates to the appearance of the virgin mother to the
apostle James in the early days of Christianity on top of a column or
pillar carried by angles. ‘Our Lady on the Pillar’ can be found in
several Catholic Churches around the world (Zaragoza Spain for
instance) but here in Chartres we find a ‘pagan’ version of it because
the Knights Templar wanted to convey a message about the origin of the
legend and what it really means.
In a Masonic ‘Tracing Board’ (see picture below) we find a depiction of Mary’s Immaculate Conception by the Holy Ghost. She is placed inside a Vesica Pisces
near a pillar while the All Seeing Eye (eye of Horus) is watching over
her. The Vesica Pisces is placed in between the two Masonic pillars
while smoke arises along the pillar from the burning of inscent. The pillars are Masonic symbols for the Milky Way! For an in dept explanation of the pillar-Milky Way association we refer to the article ‘Freemasons revelations’. In this article I decoded the Galactic Alignments that were encoded in the Tracing Board by the Scottish Rite Freemasons, the descendants of the Knights Templar.
The Tracing Board and the ‘Lady of the
Pillar’ at Chartres are both expressing the very same thing. The
immaculate conception of Horus near the pillars of the Tracing board
and Horus in the arms of the virgin mother Isis on top of the pillar
(Milky Way) at Chartres both occur inside the Vesica Pisces and they represent the birth of the Sun on the Milky Way!
Notice that the Vesica Pisces at Chartres is
adorned with seven red lamps (the top lamp is not visible in the
picture), they represent the Pleiades, the Sun is
close to the Pleiades at the summer solstice era-2012. The Pleiades
also occur in the Tracing Board of the Scottish Rite freemasons and is
associated with the summer solstice Galactic Alignment (see picture
Laurence Gardner writes in his book ‘Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark
‘, that the Knights Templar took the Ark of the Covenant that they
retrieved from Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem to Chartres Cathedral and
buried it underneath the enigmatic labyrinth. Well if the Ark of the
Covenant is not an artefact but arcane knowledge as I have reasoned in
my article ‘Freemasons revelations’
than it seems that this secret may indeed be ‘buried’ at Chartres as
the summer solstice Galactic Alignment that has been encoded at
Left: Tracing board
encoding both summer and winter solstice galactic alignment, the seven
stars on the right represent the Pleiades. Right: Tracing
board with the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Mary stands near the
pillar and resides inside the vertical Vesica Pisces. Above her is the
All Seeing Eye (mimicking the eye of Horus). The Tracing board symbolizes the birth of Sun God Horus on the Milky Way.
In Christian art we find examples where
Christ is depicted inside the vertical Vesica Pisces. In the German
Codex Bruchsal for example Christ even appears inside the Vesica Pisces
along with the four signs of the Zodiac, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo! (Scorpio is replaced by the Eagle, they are dual signs). See picture below!
Jesus inside the Vesica
Pisces (Codex Bruchsal) with the four signs of the Galactic Cross, top
left (Aquarius), top right (Scorpio alias the Eagle), bottom right
(Taurus), bottom left (Leo). In the centre another example is given.
On the right a Greek version of cosmos is
depicted with the Vesica Pisces, the four Cherubim and the serpent
biting its own tail (representing the ecliptic)
Also in Chartres Cathedral in the centre of
the West Royal Portal just above the entrance Jesus is depicted inside a
Vesica Pisces. He’s flanked by the four cherubim around the Vesica
Pisces. The four beasts of the Apocalypse mentioned in Revelations of
John can also be equated with the four main apostles of the four
canonical books of the bible, the beast with the human face can be
equated with Matthew (Aquarius), the lion with Mark (Leo), the ox with
Luke (Taurus) and the eagle with John (Scorpio).
Chartres West Royal Portal
Now the Chartres zodiac is very
important for it shows us that the Knights Templar understood that the
‘New Age’ or the ‘End of Times’ would occur when the Earth Cross
aligned with the Galactic Cross in the Age of Pisces and not as is
commonly believed at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!
Ark of the Covenant
The Knights Templar on their crusades to Jerusalem discovered something in the Temple of Jerusalem
that after their return to France made them very wealthy and powerful.
The secrets they discovered remain a mystery, whether it was an
artefact, knowledge or a real treasure has let to wild speculations. The
Temple of Jerusalem was first built by Solomon in 957 BC. The temple
replaced the Tabernacle of Moses. The Tabernacle is believed to be
Moses his tent but the Hebrew word for tabernacle Mishkan actually means place of Devine dwelling and might refer to a celestial place rather than a tent that Moses used during the Exodus from Egypt.
It is assumed that the Knights Templar recovered the Ark of the Covenant that contained the Ten Commandments
which Moses received from God on Mount Sinai. The Ten Commandments
were stored in the Ark and were later transferred to their resting
place in the Temple of Jerusalem. The Ark of the Covenant was built
after Gods instructions given in the book Exodus chapter 25.
Ark of the Covenant
Exodus 25:8-9
8And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.
9According to all that I shew
thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the
instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.
The ark was built after the pattern of the tabernacle, the tabernacle was most likely not Moses his tent but a celestial place, the dwelling place of God.
Exodus 25:12-15
12And thou shalt cast four
rings of gold for it, and put them in the four corners thereof; and two
rings shall be in the one side of it, and two rings in the other side
of it.
13And thou shalt make staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with gold.
14 And thou shalt put the staves into the rings by the sides of the ark, that the ark may be borne with them.
15The staves shall be in the rings of the ark: they shall not be taken from it.
Could the four rings stand for the four Galactic Alignments, remember the Egyptian Ankh symbol. The Ankh consists of a ring on a pole. Are the rings and pole of the Ark of the Covenant metaphors for the Sun on the Galactic Equator? The rings were put on the four corners of the Ark,
the four ends of the Galactic Cross? The Sun resides on the Galactic
Equator during a precession cycle on two opposite solstices (2 rings,
one pole) and two opposite equinoxes (2 rings, one pole).
Exodus 25:17-20
17And thou shalt make a mercy
seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof,
and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof.
18And thou shalt make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat.
19And make one cherub on the
one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat
shall ye make the cherubims on the two ends thereof.
20And the cherubims shall
stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their
wings, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the mercy seat
shall the faces of the cherubims be.
God wants Moses to make a seat on top of the Ark of the Covenant flanked by two winged Cherubims! The two Cherubims are placed facing each other, just like the signs of Galactic Cross that equate with the Galactic Equator, Taurus and Scorpio (Eagle) face each other. The Cherubims were given the wings of the Eagle (Scorpio).
Exodus 25:22
22And there I will meet with
thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from
between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of
all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of
And that’s where God will reside seated on
the Ark in between the Cherubims. Did the Knights Templar somehow
understand that the Ark of the Covenant may be representing the Great
Celestial Conjunctions? Was this their Holy Grail?
Fore more links between the biblical story
of the Exodus of Moses and the association with the Great Celestial
Conjunctions, I refer to my article ‘Freemasons Revelations’.
In the article I explained that Moses his meeting on Mount Sinai
encodes a Galactic Alignment, Moses represents the summer solstice Sun
and Mount Sinai represents the Milky Way! The association of Moses with
the summer solstice Sun originates from the Scottish Rite Freemasons
Exodus 25:37
37And thou shalt make the seven lamps thereof: and they shall light the lamps thereof, that they may give light over against it.
Do the seven lamps refer to the seven stars of the Pleiades?
Remember the seven lamps above the Black Madonna at Chartres
Cathedral. The Ark of the Covenant was built after God’s command to
represent the pattern that Moses was shown on the mount:
Exodus 25:40
40And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shewed thee in the mount.
Was this pattern perhaps the pattern of the 8 pointed cross?
Knights Templar and freemasonry
The Knights Templar fled
from France to Scotland after Pope Clement V had ordered for their
arrest on Friday the 13th 1307. The attempt of the pope to eradicate
the Knights Templar failed and they went underground in Scotland
supported by Robbert the Bruce. The treasures of the Knights Templar
were brought on board ships that sailed from the port of La Rochelle
France to Scotland. It’s been suggested that the Ark of the Covenant was
finally buried in Rosslyn Chapel founded by Sir William St. Sinclair
in 1456.
The arrival of the Knights Templar in
Scotland was the start of a new branch of freemasonry in Scotland, the
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry who are the direct descendants of the
Knights Templar.
Clues that the Knights Templar understood the
Great Celestial Conjunction that would occur at the ‘End of Times’ can
be found in artefacts of the Knights Templar and Scottish Rite
freemasons. First of all the Knights Templar on their crusades to the
Holly Land used several flags containing crosses. These flags contained
both four and eight pointed crosses. The knights wore white robes with
a red cross along with a white mantle, while the sergeants wore a
black tunic with a red cross on front and back but with a black or brown
Knights Templar crosses
There are more clues that the Knights Templar deemed these crosses important.
If we take a look at the Knights Templar Tracing
Board for instance we notice that there are three crosses depicted.
There are two very different four pointed crosses left and right with the classical Calvary cross symbol in the centre. The Chalice in the centre tells us that we’re dealing with the Holy Grail of the Knights Templar. The skull and cross bones along with the crossed swords suggest the importance of the crosses.
Tracing board of the Knights Templar
The very same symbols of their Tracing Board
appear in their coat of arms (see picture below) however this time they
reveal their true understanding of the crosses. There’s an 8 pointed cross (swords and cross with the inscriptions) along with a 4 pointed cross (Calvary Christian Cross) at the centre. Notice again that two very different 4 pointed crosses have been used in the 8 pointed cross.
These are very strong associations with the Great Celestial
Conjunction where the 8 pointed cross becomes the 4 pointed cross at
the ‘End of Times’ when the Sun of God (Christ, Horus) is reborn on the
Knights Templar, Coat of Arms
There are 33 degrees in freemasonry and at
each degree a Mason is initiated into new and deeper darker secrecies
of their fraternities. The Royal Arch is the first degree of a Master
Mason of the York Rite. The tracing board of the Royal Arch is very
interesting. In the Tracing Board (see picture below) we see the two
pillars with the zodiac signs on the arch. From left to right the signs
progress from Aries to Virgo with Cancer as the central sign. The stone
with the sign of cancer is called the keystone of the arch and corresponds with sign of the summer solstice in the tropical zodiac. Below the keystone we see the 7 stars that represent the Pleiades.
Tracing Board of the Royal Arch of Freemasonry
Left: Summer Solstice Sun in Cancer near the Pleiades,
also notice the single X cross on the stone at the bottom!
Right: Royal Arch with and 8 pointed cross depicted underneath the keystone!
The arch expresses the importance of the summer solstice near the Pleiades!
On the left we see the Sun while on the right the crescent moon is depicted inside the Sun!
The crescent moon stands for an eclipse. However in this case the
Moon-Sun eclipse stands for a conjunction, in this case the conjunction
of the Sun on the summer solstice! Both Suns appear over the pillars.
The pillars represent the Milky Way and the intended conjunction of the summer solstice Sun is therefore the conjunction with the Milky Way!
The shield under the keystone is giving away another very important clue; it contains the signs of the zodiac, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio (Eagle) and Leo, the signs of the Galactic Cross.
While the arch in the Tracing Board represents the Earth Cross, the shield under the arch represents the Galactic Cross!
Notice that the same signs are used in this Tracing Board for the
Earth Cross and Galactic Cross as the signs that were used in the
circular Dendera zodiac.
The Royal Arch mimics exactly the Earth Cross and Galactic Cross in the circular Dendera zodiac !!!
The Royal Arch is intrinsically linked to the
Ark of the Covenant; the Scottish Rite Freemasons as the decedents of
the Knights Templar received their knowledge and wisdom from the
recovery of the Ark of the Covenant by the Knights Templar.
Ark of the Covenant underneath the Royal Arch
The Knights Templar was not the only fraternity that understood the Great Celestial Conjunctions. The Earth Cross and the Galactic Cross also occurs in the ‘Rose Cross Lamen’
of the Rosicrucian’s. It seems that the Rosecrucians like the Knights
Templar were initiated into the secrets of Solomon’s temple and its
association with the Great Celestial Conjunctions.
Rose Cross Lamen of the Rosecrucians, two four pointed crosses (INRI cross) and coloured Cavelry Cross superimposed. In the center we find another 8 pointed cross.
The Rosecrucians explain that
the cross conceals a lot of ancient knowledge derived from the Qabalah
and Hermetica involving numerolgy, astrology and alchemy but as with
all secret societies the true esoteric secrets are not revealed. So
let’s examin this cross in detail and use the clues that the
Rosecrucians leave with respect to the exoteric aspects of the cross.
In the center we find a small rose cross;
notice the yellow calvery cross in the center and a blue four pointed
cross that is superimposed. This 8 pointed cross is the inner rose of
the larger 22 petaled rose grouped around the inner rose in three rings
of 3, 7 and 12 petals respectively. The petals contain the 22 letters
of the Hebrew alphabet divided into three groups. The ending of each
arm of the cross contains a triple with each segment assigned to one of
the three alchemical principles: sulfur salt and mercury. In ‘A Brief Study of the Rose Cross Symbol’ by Thomas D. Worrel, he explains how the three segments upon the four arms allude to the 12 signs of the zodiac.
There are four pentagrams and one hexagram depicted on the cross. The
hexagram depicts and connects the planets of our solar system, but it’s
the pentagram that is far more interesting.
Rose Cross pentagram (occurs four times)
In the pentagram we notice the 8 spoked wheel on top. In clockwise direction from the left to right we notice the astronomical signs of Aquarius, the Eagle (Scorpio), Leo and Taurus. The
pentagram connects the 8 spoked wheel (8 pointed cross) with the four
signs of the zodiac that are associated with the Galactic Cross!
Here the true significance of the the four and eight pointed crosses
of the Rose Cross Lamen is revealed; the Rose Cross Lamen is a symbol
of the Great Celestial Conjunction!
But these clues are not the only clues leading up to this conclusion. The white rays that contain the letters I.N.R.I.
form yet another four pointed cross that is superimposed on the
Calvery Cross part of the Rose Cross. I.N.R.I is the inscription on the
Calvery Cross on which Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and these roman
letters stand for Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum
(Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews). Thomas D. Worrel explains that
there are esoteric associations to these letters. Near the R we notice the circle and point representing the Sun. Next to the ray containing the R we notice the letters O and X on two smaller white rays.
The R which stands for Rex (King) and in combination with the sun glyph represents the solar king or Sun God. The letters O and X that accompany the Sun God are no coincidence, together they spell OX or bull and therefore represent the astrological sign Taurus.
On the other side near the letter N the astronomical sign of Scorpio is depicted accompanied by the additional letters V and A on the smaller white rays. Remember that in the pentagram Scorpio, one of the four signs of the Galactic Cross is replaced by the Eagle. The Eagle represents the constellation of the Eagle or Aquila (Latin name) that resides on the Milky Way near Sagittarius and Scorpio where the Milky Way and ecliptic intersect! The Romans knew this constellation also as Vultur Volans. This explains the letters V and A that occur on the rays next to the letter N that is associated with Scorpio, V stands for Vultur Volans and A for Aquila. The R-N axis of the I.N.R.I cross therefore represents the Galactic Equator, running from the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus to Gemini-Taurus nexus; it’s one of the axes of the Galactic Cross. The sun glyph on the ray with the letter R denotes
the importance of the Sun residing on the Galactic Equator, since this
is the dwelling place of Sun on the solstices in era-2012.
The white rays with the letters I contain the astronomical sign Virgo depicted on the rays. According to Thomas D. Worrel the I stands for Isis, the virgin mother of the Sun God Horus. Also the letters L.V.X. can be found on the white rays of the cross. L.V.X. means Lux
or light which stands for the Light of the Cross. Supposedly the
I.N.R.I./L.V.X. transformation is part of what symbolically opens the
vault of Christian Rosenkreutz (1378-1484), the
founder of the Rosicrucians. So these letter combinations are very
important with respect to understanding the mysteries of the Rose
Thomas D. Worrel points out that the letters L.V.X.
are part of crosses. I would like to add that these crosses are two
separate four pointed crosses (+ and X) that when superimposed form an 8
pointed cross:
I believe the analogy between Isis and Mary
is intended by the Rosicrucians who designed the Rose Cross. Isis is
associated with Virgo on the Rose Cross which is the opposite sign of
Pisces, the birth sign of Christ. Remember we found the same symbology
in the zodiac of Chartres Cathedral where this esoteric connection
between the birth date of Christ in Pisces and the constellation Virgo
of the virgin Mary is expressed by means of the Vesica Pisces (symbol
of birth) that connects the two astrological signs.
It seems that the Rose Cross also draws an
analogy between Jesus of Nazareth and Horus the Sun God. In my opinion
the cross reveals the true meaning of the Return of Jesus Christ
(I.N.R.I) at the End of Times when the Sun God Horus (L.V.X.) is reborn
on the cross of the zodiac (the Sun as the Light of the Cross) in the
precession cycle, the time of the Great Celestial Conjunction. This
time is associated with transformation and resurrection and the
alchemical transformation of man. The quest of alchemy, the
transformation of lead into gold is a metaphor for the spiritual
transcendence of the limitations of the physical plane and to become
enlightened and reunite with the Devine. On the Rose Cross we find the
alchemical elements mercury (Devine consciousness), sulfur (self
consciousness) and salt (subconsciousness) suggesting the alchemical
transformation of consciousness at the End of Times.
Here’s another version of the Rose Cross containing the four Cherubim in an 8 pointed cross formation.
Rose Cross symbol 8 pointed cross with the
four Cherubim signs of the zodiac representing the Galactic Cross. The
cross was allegedly worn by the biblical Magi. Notice the 8 petalled ‘Flower of Life’ pattern in the centre.
The Tarot originally is a set of trump cards
of a card game but these trump cards developed into a fortune telling
card reading method akin to the I Ching. The origin of the Tarot is
unknown but it is generally believed that the first deck of Tarot cards
originated from northern Italy in the 15th century. Twenty two trump
cards were added to the original four suit deck of cards. Today the
Tarot cards are mainly used for divination; this custom started after
the Frenchman Antoine Court de Gébelin in 1791 wrote a
book about the Tarot and first introduced a method of divination called
a reading. Gébelin in his book asserted that the Tarot had its roots
in ancient Egypt and that it preserved the wisdom and mysteries of
Thoth and Isis. The 22 trump cards are part of what is called the Major Arcana
of the Tarot and are supposedly relating to the higher purposes of
life. The information of these cards is encoded in terms of astrology
and numerology. The Minor Arcana consists of the cards that relate to
daily live issues. Arcana means secrets, so the Major Arcana is related
to the bigger secrets of life and we will reveal that the biggest
secret of the Tarot is that it keeps the secret of the Great Celestial
Conjunction that would occur at the End of Times on what Christianity
calls Judgement Day.
Wether or not the Tarot stems from Egypt can
not be substantiated but the fact is that Tarot is shrouded in
mysticism and magic and has links to freemasonry. This may explain why
the Egyptian occult knowledge of the Great Celestial Conjunctions has
ended up in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. It was the French occultist Jean-Baptiste Alliette
(nicknamed Etteilla) who designed the first esoteric deck and added
astrological attributes and Egyptian motifs to the cards. Aleister
Crowley the nineteeth centry occultist designed the Thoth deck and his
cards are believed to contain also highly esoteric concepts that were
known in the inner circles of secret societies. The esoteric attributes
of the cards were further developed by Eliphas Lévi who revised
Etteilla’s deck and devised a Tarot system based on the Kabbalah and
Alchemy. Around 1910 the Tarot became increasingly popular by the
publication of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, a system
still in vogue in the english speaking countries. Symbolic images were
now related to the numbers of the cards and we will demonstrate how
both the images and numbers of the cards play an important role in the
deciphering of the esoteric knowledge hidden in these cards.
It’s the Rider-Wait-Smith Tarot system that we will use and investigate for it conceils knowledge of the Great Celestial Conjunctions.
We’re not surprised to find this information in this deck since Arthur
Edward Waite one of the designers of the deck was a freemason and
member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The founders of this magical order of the late 19th and early 20th century were Rosecrucians.
The importance of both the four and eight
pointed crosses in the Tarot is further demonstrated by the fact that
the most popular spread of the cards is called the Celtic Cross spread whereas a four pointed cross is formed by spreading the cards in a cross formation at the start of a reading. Also the Ankh spread (also associated with the Great Celestial Conjunction, Sun on the Milky Way) exists.
I believe that the Tarot encodes the big
secret of the cycles of mankind’s spiritual development that coincide
and are synchronized with the Great Celestial Conjunctions. These Great
Celestial Conjunctions define the four World Ages of a Great Year and
trigger the start of these four Ages. In the current World Age mankind
is steeped into materialism and has lost his original spiritual
connection to his Devine source that he once had at the time of the
Golden Age. The biblical story of the fall from paradise relates to the
decline of spiritual consciousness akin to the transition from the
Golden Age into the Iron Age in the Hindu philosophy system. According
to the Hindu the spiritual evolution of mankind has transitioned from
the Satya Yuga (Golden Age) through the Tetra Yuga (Silver Age) and Dvapara Yuga (Bronze Age) into the Kali Yuga (Iron Age) where we are at present.
In the Kali Yuga man has lost his spiritual
connection and he knows only his limited perception of his physical
reality that he regards as the only existing reality. The first card of
the Tarot is card number 0 and is called the Fool. The
Fool represents the current poor mental state of man in the Kali Yuga
in a patriarchal dominated world whereas the masculine energies and
left brain mentality seeks control and domination over the material
Notice first of all below that the Fool in the Raider Waite deck is wearing a robe adorned with 8 pointed crosses
(although not clearly visible). In the last card, card number XXI (21)
of the Major Arcana we see a woman depicted naked. She represents the
spiritual awakening and return to female wisdom after the current Great
Celestial Conjunction when the spiritual decline of mankind is
believed to make an upturn towards the Golden Age again. More on this
card later.
Card 0, the Fool, Raider Waite deck
The most important card of the Raider Waite deck is card number X (ten). Not only is it the central card of the Major Arcana, the Roman numeral X represents a four pointed cross.
The four pointed cross of the number X represents the current Great
Celestial Conjunction when the 8 pointed cross of Galactic Cross and
Earth Cross align again.
Card X, the Wheel of Fortune, Raider Waite deck
Notice that the central disk called the wheel of fortune consists of two different four pointed crosses that are superimposed. The cross with the letters TORA most likely represents the Galactic Cross.
The letters TORA refer to the Old Testament or the Jewish Torah where
the Galactic Cross by means of the four cherubim is mentioned in for
instance Ezekiel 1:10 and Revelation 4:7.
Ezekiel 1:10 As
for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and
the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an
ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.
Revelation 4:7
And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf,
and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a
flying eagle.
The four Cherubim are depicted in the
corners of the card. In the upper left corner the cherubim with the
face of a man corresponds with Aquarius. In the upper right corner the
eagle corresponds with Scorpio. In the lower left corner the bull
represents Taurus and the lion in the lower right corner represents
The snake and dragon around the wheel of
fortune represent the ecliptic; notice how the dragon is spinning the
wheel. The four cherubim are reading the bible wherein they were
described having wings like in Revelation 4:8.
Revelation 4:8
And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were
full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy,
holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
The cherubim are placed in clouds
representing the fluffy white cloud at night in the sky, the Milky Way
because these four signs of the zodiac that correspond with the
cherubim are the constellations that helically rise before the
constellations that constitute the Galactic Cross, 5° Gemini, 5° Pisces, 5° Sagittarius and 5° Virgo in the sidereal zodiac. The signs must be associated with the crossing places of the ecliptic and Milky Way.
The reverse cross symbolism of the 8 pointed or double XX cross and single four pointed is used in card number XX
(twenty). Card X and XX both express the Great Galactic Conjunction by
means of the numerology of the cards in relation with the depictions
on these cards, the X and XX are references to the four and eight
pointed crosses. Card XX is labelled ‘Judgement Day’
Card XX, Judgement Day, Raider Waite deck
Card number XX is the card of the two four pointed crosses (XX) and displays mankind at the End of Times
when the seven angels blow their trumpets after the seventh seal has
been opened as mentioned in Revelation 8. Notice the trumpet has a flag
with a single four pointed cross. At the ‘End of Times’, the time of the current Great Celestial Conjunction the double crosses XX (card number) become one and transform into the single X cross of the flag. The cross on the flag is the cross of St George; it’s the flag and cross symbol of the Knights Templar;
this of course can not be attributed to mere coincidence. It reveals
the source of esoteric knowledge since the designers of the Raider Wait
Tarot cards were Rosicrucians (freemasons) who were affiliated with
the Knights Templar. The source of the knowledge about the Great
Celestial Conjunction that would occur at the End of Times can
therefore be traced back to the Knights Templar who discovered this big
ancient secret on their crusades to Jerusalem where they recovered the
ancient mysteries and sacred knowledge in the temple of Solomon.
The final card is card XXI (twenty one) and as
we have mentioned above symbolizes the awakening of mankind at the
Great Celestial Conjunction. The card is numbered 21 because the Great
Celestial Conjunction occurs at the crossover of the twentieth and
twenty first century (1978-2017). The four cherubim appear again in the
corners of the card. The naked female is placed inside a green laurel
signifying the victory of the Fool over his own ignorance. He’s regained
full consciousness and his connection to the Devine. The laurel also
represents the ecliptic; in other Tarot decks the laurel was replaced
by a crowed Ouroborous (a snake biting its own tail) that in ancient
mythology represents the ecliptic. The red twisted veils represent the
two opposite crossings of the ecliptic and Milky Way. These are the
places where the Sun resides at the equinoxes and or solstices on a
Great Celestial Conjunction.

Card XXI, the World, Raider Waite deck
Card number II is also very interesting and
relates to Great Celestial Conjunctions as well. The card depicts Isis
in the temple of Solomon. Isis is wearing the bull horns with the solar
disk. As we have demonstrated Isis-Hathor must be associated with
crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way at the Gemini-Taurus nexus. The number II of the card most likely is referencing the constellation of the two twins
Gemini. The exact place of the ecliptic and Milky Way crossing at the
Gemini-Taurus nexus is in Gemini! Notice that Isis is wearing a four
pointed cross on her chest, a token of the crossing of ecliptic and
Milky Way and the Great Celestial Conjunction. On her lap she has a
scroll with the text TORA revealing the relation of this depiction with
the Old Testament or the Jewish Torah.
Card II, the High Priestess, Raider Waite deck
Isis is seated in between the two pillars in
the temple of Solomon. The pillars are described in Kings 7:21-22. The
right pillar is called Jachin, the left pillar is called Boaz.
Kings 7:21 And
he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple: and he set up the
right pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the
left pillar, and called the name thereof Boaz.
22 And upon the top of the pillars was lily work: so was the work of the pillars finished.
The pillars represent the Milky Way. The
white and black colours of the pillars represent opposites, the two
opposite sides on the Milky Way where the ecliptic and Milky Way cross.
The dark pillar can be associated with the Dark Rift (hence the dark
colour) near the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus while the white pillar can be
associated with the Gemini-Taurus nexus. The pomegranates that appear
in a ‘network’ behind Isis is mentioned in Kings 7:18
Kings 7:18 And
he made the pillars, and two rows round about upon the one network, to
cover the chapiters that were upon the top, with pomegranates: and so
did he for the other chapiter.
Notice there are 7 pomegranates in the net
(net-work) or curtain behind Isis. They may be symbolizing the seven
stars of the Pleiades near the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing at the
Gemini-Taurus nexus that we associated earlier with Isis-Hathor seated
in front of the net.
While card II represents the crossing of the
ecliptic and Milky Way near the Gemini-Taurus nexus, card XVIII
(eighteen) represents the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way near
the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus. Both cards II and XVIII represent the
two crossing places of ecliptic and Milky May and it may be no
coincidence that the sum of card II (2) and XVIII (18) equals XX (20).
The double X crosses of card 20 (Judgement Day) represents both the two
crossing places of ecliptic and Milky Way and the double four pointed
cross of the Great Celestial Conjunction.
Card XVIII, the Moon
Card XVIII is titled ‘The Moon’
and it shows us a moon depicted inside the Sun. This card is hinting at
a solar eclipse when the moon shifts in front of the Sun, but it’s not
really the conjunction of the Sun and moon that is intended here. The
solar eclipse is merely a metaphor for a far more important
conjunction, the conjunction of the Sun and the Milky Way. Notice that
there are two pillars depicted in the card. Like the pillars in card II
they stand for the Milky Way. In ancient mythologies, mountains,
rivers, clouds and pillars were used as metaphors for the Milky Way.
Notice there is a crab or scorpion on the
river bank. The river represents the great river in the sky, the Milky
Way while the scorpion represents the constellation Scorpio. The road
leading to the mountains in the distance is the ecliptic that is
heading towards the Milky Way (mountains). The ecliptic is the Sun’s
path or ‘road’ along the sky and the Sun is depicted straight above the
road in the card. The road also leads to the river and ‘crosses’ the
river at the exact place of the scorpion and is suggesting the ecliptic
(road) and the Milky Way (river) crossing at the Sagittarius-Scorpio
nexus (the scorpion).
The two ‘howling animals at the moon’ represent the constellations Lupus (constellation of the wolf) and Vulpecula (constellation
of the fox). Both constellations reside along the Milky Way at
opposite sites of the ecliptic. This explains why the howling wolf and
fox were placed on opposite sides of the road (ecliptic) along the
river bank (Milky Way) in card XVIII.
Constellations Lupus (wolf) and Vulpecular (fox) on opposite sides of the ecliptic along
the Milky Way at the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus.
The wolf and fox both stare at the Sun which
resides in between them above the road (ecliptic) at the crossing of
the road and the river. It seems that snowflakes are falling from the
sky on the blue-white capped mountains in the background. It may be an
indication that we are dealing with the winter solstice Sun. This card
at least represents the Sun on ecliptic Milky Way crossing on the
Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus. If the Sun really represents the winter
solstice Sun, which is uncertain at this point, the card could even
denote the winter solstice Galactic Alignment of era-2012.
Although some of the other
cards contain elements that could be interpreted in terms of the Great
Celestial Conjunction that the Major Arcana encodes, cards 0, II, X,
XVIII, XX and XXI are the most profound cards when it comes to encoding
esoteric knowledge about the Great Celestial Conjunction. We would
like to point out one last card that reveals some interesting secrets
about the End of Times and Second Coming of Christ.
Card XII, The Hanged Man, Raider Waite deck
The first association with the number 12
that comes to mind, given the fact that the Major Arcana contains
astrological information, is of course the number of signs of the
zodiac. I believe that in card XII the Sacred Tree is depicted, the
crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way. The hanged man hanging upside
down from the tree has a halo around his head implying we’re dealing
with a saint. The light radiated by the man’s head resembles the rays
of the Sun and the man’s head may therefore also represent the Sun.
This Sun is placed on the Sacred Tree in other words it’s the Sun on
the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing. The odd posture of the right leg
suggests a cross as well, because both his legs are at right angles in
this odd posture. The symbology of the card seems to speak of the Sun
on the Sacred Tree or the Galactic Cross.
A very interesting version of this Tarot
card appears in the Thoth Tarot deck designed by Aleister Crowley.
Crowley is giving away much more esoteric clues about the meaning of
the Hanged Man in the Tarot.
Card XII Hanged Man, Thoth deck
Notice that in Aleister Crowley’s version of
the hanged man, the man in question is not only hanged but crucified
as well! This is a clear reference to Jesus Christ who was crucified on
the cross. The Ankh symbol on top of course is a reference to the Sun
on the Milky Way and the snake at the bottom is a reference to the
ecliptic. What I believe Crowley is encoding here is the Great
Celestial Conjunction when the Egyptian Sun of God Horus dies on the
cross (cycle ending) at the winter solstice of era-2012 to be reborn and
resurrect on the same cross when the new precession cycle commences at
the current Great Celestial Conjunction era-2012.
Aleister Crowley is revealing that the
Christian belief of the Second Coming of the historical figure Jesus
Christ at the End of Times is identical to the dead and rebirth of the
Sun at the Great Celestial Conjunction. The life of Christ closely
parallels the life of the Egyptian mythical figure Horus. Also Horus
was born from a virgin mother named Isis. He was born on the 25th of
December, four days after the winter solstice when the sun was reborn in
the annual cycle and started to rise again in the sky. On the winter
solstice of era-2012 the Sun is not only reborn in the annual cycle but
also in the larger precession cycle since it signals the start of the
next precession cycle!
I believe that what Crowley may have wanted
to express with this card is that the return of Christ at the End of
Times and the current Great Celestial Conjunction are in fact one and
the same events.
Cross of Hendaye
In the Old World there is one mysterious cross that seems to encode a Galactic Alignment; the Cross of Hendaye!
Cross of Hendaye
The Cross of Hendaye has been associated with the End-of-Times prophecy in the book ‘The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time’ authored
by Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner. The cross is situated in Hendaye
in the south of France near St Jean de Luz and Biarritz.
It contains all of the required cross
elements that we identified in this article to represent a Great
Celestial Conjunction. The 8 pointed cross–Sun-Galactic Alignment
associations are apparently not restricted to the New World but were understood in the Old World as well.
On the Cross of Hendaye we find a Sun symbol central in a quincunx, an 8 pointed star, a four pointed cross with four A’s depicted in each of the four quadrants and the double XX cross appearing on the cross. The A’s represent the four World Ages (Les quatre Ages de l'humanité ) each equalling a fourth of the precession cycle (6480 years).The cross contains the text INRI
and its Gematria value in the Hebrew characters equals 2160, exactly
one twelfth of the precession cycle, or one month of the Great Year.
The crescent moon is symbolic for a conjunction and represents the conjunction of the Sun with the Sacred Tree.
Since the Cross of Hendaye has all of the required elements, the 4 pointed star an 8 pointed star, the double XX and in addition a quincunx with the Sun, we believe the cross encodes a Great Celestial Conjunction. Bridges and Weidner suggest that the double XX
(Latin number 20) stands for the 20 year period starting from the
summer solstice 1992 (date of a Venus Sun conjunction) to the winter
solstice of 2012. The midpoint the fall equinox of 2002 would represent
Fulcanelli’s ‘End of Time’ according to the writers who recognise the
fact that the Galactic Alignment of era-2012 must be associated with
Fulcanelli’s ‘End of Time’.
However period of the Great Celestial
Conjunction lasts 39 years instead of 20 years and ranges from Dec 22,
1978 until Dec 21, 2016 with the midpoint in 1998 and therefore we
reject Bridges and Weidner’s conclusion that the double XX stands for a 20 year period.
Weidner in his later released video on the
Hendaye Cross acknowledged the 1998 midpoint when he references the
work of Nick Anthony Fiorenza on the ‘Erection of the Holy Cross’ (http://www.lunarplanner.com/).
In personal conversations I had with Vincent Bridges he rejected my
suggestion that the double crosses depicted on the Cross of Hendaye
could represent the two crosses of the Great Celestial Conjunction. In
these conversations it became clear to me that the authors of the book
on the Cross of Hendaye keep conflicting ideas about their own theory.
In the book on the Hendaye Cross a photograph
of a 1st century altar piece was published. Vincent Bridges writes on
his website that it contains the Khi-Rho symbol standing between two Djed like pillars that are flanked by Ankhs.
Cairo stems from the Arabic Al Cahirah, the Conqueror or Redeemer, and
his name is phonetically pronounced as Cai/Khi and ro/Rho. The single
place for the Great Galactic Alignment is therefore Cairo Egypt
according to Bridges. I agree with Bridges his conclusions that all of
these symbols are associated with Galactic Alignment. The Ankhs
represent the two crossing places of the ecliptic and the Galactic
Equator. The pillars represent the Djed pillars as a symbol of the
Milky Way. The boat is Ra’s barque that is used by the Sun God to cross
the Milky Way and symbolizes the precession of the Sun through the
Galactic Plane (Galactic Alignment). I add one more observation that
has evaded Bridges:
When the two crosses in the Ki-Rho alter piece are superimposed the 8 pointed cross is created!
Alter Piece Ki-Rho +cross flanked by pillars and Ankhs,
below the boat with the X cross.
Ironically the Cross of Hendaye is linked to Urcos close to Cuzco
in Peru where similar symbols that appear on the cross were found in
documents from Peru. The place Urcos is derived from the text on the
cross OCRU X AVES PESUNICA (Hail, O Cross, The Only Hope) that when spelled as AVA X URCOS gives us the text ‘Hail the cross X at Urcos’. Notice first of all that another clue to the importance of the X cross is given!
Peru was once part of the great empire of the Inca’s. Their entire empire was divided into four quadrants by means of four main roads that originated from the centre of their capital, the city of Cuzco. The ‘cross X at Urcos’ is most likely a reference to the big X cross of the entire Inca empire that reflected the Heavens!
It’s a fascinating thing to realize that yet another American Sun worshipping Indian culture devoted so much importance to the four pointed cross symbol! But it is even more astonishing to discover that the sacred Inca Cross Chakana is another form of an 8 pointed cross.
Inca Cross, Chakana
Constellation of the crosses
Our inventory of the cross symbols in
relation to the Great Celestial Conjunctions would not be complete
without mentioning two very important celestial crosses. The first is
called the Northern Cross, the constellation Cygnus, while the second cross is the Southern Cross or the constellation Crux.
Both constellations have been very important in ancient times since
they defined the north-south meridian. The Northern Cross appears in
many mythologies and is associated with a swan. The Southern Cross
became the real ‘pole star’ of the south while the Northern Cross star
Denab was the pole star in between 16.000 BC and 15.000 BC.
In his book ‘The
Cygnus Mystery’, Andrew Collins explains how the Northern Cross
constellation Cygnus was once venerated around the world in ancient
times, a veneration that can be dated back to at least 15.000 BC.
According to Collins Cygnus must have been very important to the
ancients since around the world sites are aligned to this
constellation. Most of these sites were also aligned to the solstice
Sun. We just mention a few of the examples that Collins mentions in his
- Great Circle Henge in Newark,Ohio, summer solstice alignment, central bird image
- Olmec site La Venta, alignment to summer solstice, Big Dipper and Sadr (Cygnus)
- Cuzco Peru, winter solstice alignment, celestial Puma represents Cygnus
- Avebury (UK), summer solstice and alignment to the setting of Sadr (Cygnus)
- Newgrange (Ireland), winter solstice and alignment to Sadr (Cygnus)
Although he mentions the ecliptic-Milky Way
crossing once in his book, Andrew Collins is convinced that the
ancients worshipped Cygnus because it represented first of all the
cosmic axis and secondly the ancients somehow intuitively understood
that Cygnus was important with respect to human evolution. Scientists
discovered that Cygnus X-3 is a microblazer, a star that emits cosmic
rays that penetrate deep into the Earth itself. This cosmic radiation
may be a driving force behind human evolution, a notion now supported
by some scholars and may explain why the ancients saw the Cygnus
constellation and the Dark Rift as the abode of the gods, the
underworld to which the soul ascended after dead according to Collins.
I believe that what
in fact Collins has been discovering is the interest of the ancients
of the Great Celestial Conjunctions and the alignment of the Sun with
the Milky Way at solstices (Galactic Alignment). Take a look at the
picture below.
Cygnus rising at the winter solstice Sun 1998
Sadr the central star of the Northern Cross rises exactly at the same time
as the Sun on the winter solstice era-2012! No wonder the ancients
deemed Sadr as the central star of Cygnus the swan important, like the
Pleiades Sadr is the pointer to the winter solstice Sun on the Milky
Way! It was not Cygnus that the ancients venerated but the alignment of
the solstice Sun with the Milky Way at the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus!
The constellation Cygnus is the start of the
Dark Rift that runs down all the way to Sagittarius-Scorpio; it’s the
birthplace of the Sun!
final consideration; Could the Northern Cross have been the origin of
the four pointed cross symbol that we have found in so many artifacts
related to the Great Celestial Conjunctions? Sure why not? While the
Northern Cross rises with the winter solstice Sun, the Southern Cross
appears just above the horizon. Could both constellations of the
crosses be the origin of the 8 pointed cross?
seems hardly likely, why would these crosses have been superimposed to
form the eight pointed cross? The only logical explanation for the 8
pointed cross that occurs in association with the Great Celestial
Conjunctions, is that it represents the Earth Cross superimposed over
the Galactic Cross. Remember that the Galactic Cross was known in both
the Old and New World as the Sacred Tree, so at least one of the crosses does not correspond with the constellation of the crosses.
The four and eight pointed crosses that occur
in the artefacts of the Old World were also meant to encode the Great
Celestial Conjunctions just like in the New World. This article is the
sequel to the first article on
the crosses in the New World and demonstrates how these crosses are
just as important in the same context in the Old World! To my knowledge
there is no reasonable explanation known at present why the application
of 8 pointed crosses along with 4 pointed crosses appear so frequently
and in particularly in the most sacred symbols of the world.
So we can conclude that Great Celestial
Conjunctions were known to our ancestors since they depicted this
concept (Great Year into four equal periods that define the Four World
Age doctrine) in their principle symbols.
Studying the Great Celestial Conjunctions
from the perspective the conjunction of the Earth Cross with the
Galactic Cross, has now paved the way to understand an array of new
ancient cross symbols associated with four World Doctrine that could
not be identified before.
Therefore I believe that professor’s
Smelyakov’s Solar Zodiac model describing these Great Celestial
Conjunctions, offers an additional and valuable tool in the study of
the artefacts of both the Old and New World that are associated with
creation myths and the World Age doctrine. |
http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/ |
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